the exact functions of bits on port 0x18 on reading/writing
18h write:
b0: Drive Select 0 (Drive A: )
b1: Drive Select 1 (Drive B: )
b2: Drive Select 2 (Drive C: )
b3: Drive Select 3 (Drive D: ) at all, 1 will be select the drive
b4: Side 1 Select: 0=Side 0, 1=Side 1
b5: Double Density Enable, 0=MFM 250Kbits/sec, 1=FM 125Kbits/sec
b6: Disk Change Reset, some very early 3.5" drives suport this, praticaly don't used, left at 0
b7: In Use signal, don't used, left at 0
18h read:
b0: Ready signal (pin 34) from the selected drive, EXDOS don't use. Active low.
b1: INTREQ output from WD, Active high
b2: nc
b3: nc
b4: nc
b5: nc
b6: Disk Change signal (pin 2) from the selected drive, at default EXDOS don't use. Active low.
b7: DRQ output from WD, Active high. EXDOS use at all transfer routine, because this is the fastest way check the DRQ (IN A then JP M)
and there was some topic about "turbo EXDOS carts" with switchable clocks or so?
Turbo switch at 20h, lowest 2 bits select from 4 clock speeds.