List of the EXDOS floppy driver capatibilities:
Let me comment this for SymbOS:
[OK] can handle four drives (A,B,C,D)
[OK] drive can be a 40 or 80 tracks, single or double sided, any combination of these
[OK] drive types can be mixed in any combination
[OK] 40 tracks disks can be used in 80 tracks drive with double stepping
[OK] at non compatibility situation (80 track disk in 40 track drive or a double sided disk in single sided drive) error reported
If it doesn't require a different programming of the WD, this should work, too:
[OK] handle 8,9,10,11 sectors/track disks
[OK] plus tracks don't problem (I have a 90 tracks drives
), most commonly used disk format 84x2x10=840K
This should work, too, but has to be tested:
[OK] don't use Drive Ready signal, then no problem with modern drives
[OK] at default don't use Disck Change signal, then also no problem with modern drives
This isn't supported:
[N/A] disk compatibility checked, double stepping automaticaly switch on or off
I have no idea about this:
[??] works reliable at different speed machines (from 4 to 10Mhz tested yet)
[??] exist a Turbo EXDOS hack, where WD overclocked to 10Mhz then 13 sectors/track can be stored with normal DD disks and drives, it is can be work both WD1770 and 1772
[??] more Turbo
, 13.333Mhz for 1.2M drives (300rpm mode) with HD disks, and 16Mhz for 1.44M drives with HD disk. With 1.44 drive can be up to 22 sectors/disk. Exist a different configuration where 1.2M drives run at 360rpm then 9.6Mhz used for handle DD disks, and 16MHz for HD.
EXDOS card built with WD1770 or WD1772, at 1770 the step rate 0 are the fastest, 6ms. With 1772 the step rate 3 will be faster, 3ms. About 99% of the drives in the world can be used with 3ms, then faster and quiet. (The fastest with 1772 the step rate 2 which are 2ms.) EXDOS have a variable where can selecet the step rate. [...] I think need a Setup option or Configuration windows or something for select step rates and enable/select turbo modes.
I wonder how to support the Turbo modes, what different WD-programming they require...