Well, it's funny but I never thought about having a real INS key in SymbOS, that's probably because of my CPC origin...
Ok, I will first use the INS key. Problem with Alt+Return (Alt+Enter on the EP) is, that this key-combination is already used for switching between fullscreen- and window-mode for the SymShell how it was in Windows.
Most keys are configurable...
but some for special functions are hardcoded.
F9/F10 can be emulated with ALT+F7/F8, but then you loose the possibility to have ALT+F9/F10, too. In this case it's really up to the user to do the configuration he likes.
Yes, ALT on CPC is "Copy", on MSX it's "Graph" and on PCW it's "Extra", the Enterprise is the only one, which has a real Alt-Key!