Hello. Those of you who have a MiSTer or a NeptUNO board can now try the core.
And for those who have a MiST or a SIDi, as soon as the core is finished testing, debugging and sources are released, you'll need to talk to SlingShot (Gyurco) ( György Szombathelyi ) about making a MiST fpga port. Dr.OG knows from Atari-Forum.
Currently the core does not work on MiST / SiDi because the lack of BRAM. These fpga boards only have 70KB of BRAM and it is insufficient for the framework and VRAM, which would have to go in SDRAM.
He has made much more complex ports. Would be a way to make this core work on MiST.
FeedBack testing the core is really appreciated.
Cheers !