looking close at your screens, your home command, changes sector to 2..... Mine to 0.....
0 are wrong value, because the sectors numbered from 1...
The current value are "random", it is return with a firstly found sector header, soo depending the current disk position while rotating. But with 720K disks need it from 1 to 9.
On a non rotating disk images
practicaly will be 1 the first, if more addresses readed, then 1,2,3... until max sector, then start again from 1.
Anyway the Track and Head fields are the most important data. Head used for a check for single sided drive at Format. And also when read disk information: if it is two sided disk, check for one head drive, and report Incompatible disk if this is the situation.
Also at disk check do some Step In, and read address and verify Track number. If it is right, then nothing to do.
If it is 1/2 value, then 40 track disk in 80 track drive needed to use double stepping.
And if 2x value the 80 track disk in 40 track drive, report Incompatible disk error.