The 17bits PN can be used on the a,b and c channels. but i dont understand how its done... only swapping the pn7 and pn17 on the noise channel affects the other channels? and how the 9,11 and 13 bit PN are selected? on the noise channel?
Here you can find an extended Dave documentation with IstvánV's extra information, unfortunately it is hungarian, but i hope google translate will give a readable result: i see:
7 bit PN (selected on tone channel) can be changed to 17/15/11/9 bit PN (specified on port 0a6h)
and now i understand why 7 bit PN selected on a tone channel and setting 10h to 0a6h gives noise, because noise channel is a 17 bit PN at 31KHz this generate pseudo white noise, and by this setting we set 17 bit PN to the tone channel, and it's frequency can be changed, not fix like on noise channel.
4,5 bit PN's are valid only on tone channels.
if bit 4 of 0a6h is not set then tone channels uses the 7bit PN, and noise channel uses the 17/15/11/9 bit PN based on bit3 and bit2 setting of 0a6h, if bit4 is set on 0a6h then tone channels uses the 17/15/11/9 bit PN based on bit3 and bit2 setting of 0a6h and in this case it's clock will be 250KHz and noise channel uses 7 bit PN on the noise channel clock (31,25 kHz) or selected tone channel clock by bit1 and bit0 of 0a6h.
Length of PN series: 2^N-1 (it can not be 0, it would cause forever loop with 0 (0 XOR 0 = 0))