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Other topics / Re: Furnace Tracker (for PC)
« Last post by geco on Today at 13:22 »
One solutition could be done, create a VGM player, which saves Dave register values the same way as MIDICONV does, and then we could use DAVECONV to create music binary, and use the player of Daveconv.
Other topics / Re: Allsorts of interesting finds
« Last post by SlashNet on Today at 11:55 »
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Lewis Packwood - Curious Video Game Machines: A Compendium of Rare and Unusual Consoles, Computers and Coin-Ops

Chapter 8 of this book is devoted to the history of the Enterprise computer.

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Other topics / Re: Furnace Tracker (for PC)
« Last post by geco on Today at 11:28 »
VGM players exists for retro computers: MSX, Atari 800, Memotech MTX.
The question here is how compact and convenient this format is for use in demos or games.

As I see some people have used the effects of the DAVE chip just for curiosity (and a funny name).
VGM format uses quite big space, and i do not remember how much CPU was used by my player, probably not so much, i remember had problems with sample playback, because the memory paging is way too slow for z80 on Genesis.
Other topics / Re: Furnace Tracker (for PC)
« Last post by SlashNet on Today at 10:40 »
VGM players exists for retro computers: MSX, Atari 800, Memotech MTX.
The question here is how compact and convenient this format is for use in demos or games.

As I see some people have used the effects of the DAVE chip just for curiosity (and a funny name).
Other topics / Re: Furnace Tracker (for PC)
« Last post by geco on Today at 10:37 »
If only those 3 format exists, then yes, it can not be used for creating music for EP.
I played/wrote with VGM player to Sega Megadrive (it played the music on the z80), and i could modify to work on EP, but VGM format is not the best for EP programs.
Other topics / Re: Furnace Tracker (for PC)
« Last post by szipucsu on Today at 10:12 »
I think it is useful, it is easier to write a music to Enterprise
I think midi is the easiest one. I cannot imagine any other methods to create music for the Enterprise.
Other topics / Re: Furnace Tracker (for PC)
« Last post by ergoGnomik on Today at 09:53 »
I think it is useful, it is easier to write a music to Enterprise, i do not know if there is a z80 player included into the tracker.
I know I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but if there is no player then there is little use to this editor. Yes, it may make easier to compose something but you will have to rewrite the composition almost from scratch to play on Enterprise.

I took a second glance at the product page and I found that it has the following export options: .wav, VGM and ZSM. The first is a bad memory hog. The second, as far as I could understand lacks player for the EP and a different kind of a memory hog. The last one is for the Commander X16, which would also need further investigation if it is suitable at all for EP musics, and obviously lacks a player for EP. Yes, I know you are capable of writing players for them but will you?
SOUND: / Re: PT3 Player
« Last post by Zozosoft on Today at 09:21 »
Jaaa, hogy te PLAYLIST-re gondolsz?
Szerintem úgy, hogy egy fájlban eltárolod a playlistre szánt zenefájlok nevét, és induláskor a lejátszó beolvassa azt is a memóriába, és az alapján olvasgatja az új fájlokat, miután a régi véget ért.
Úgy ahogy az IVIEW is csinálja az IVIEW.INI-vel :-)
SOUND: / Re: PT3 Player
« Last post by geco on Today at 08:53 »
Amit az elején is feltettem. Nem az a gond hogy nem lehet a szám véget figyeltetni, hanem hogyan lehetne megoldani hogy betöltse a következőt.
Jaaa, hogy te PLAYLIST-re gondolsz?
Szerintem úgy, hogy egy fájlban eltárolod a playlistre szánt zenefájlok nevét, és induláskor a lejátszó beolvassa azt is a memóriába, és az alapján olvasgatja az új fájlokat, miután a régi véget ért.
Other topics / Re: Furnace Tracker (for PC)
« Last post by geco on Today at 08:48 »
I think it is useful, it is easier to write a music to Enterprise, i do not know if there is a z80 player included into the tracker.
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