I have a question on the driver setup, Zozo. In your driver you have:
SPUF: EQU 01800H
RAM_START: EQU 0E000h ;RAM terĂ¼let kezdete
In mine I have:
SPUF: EQU 0x0D00 ;Sector buffer offset
RAMMERET: EQU 0x0F00 ;Mapped RAM size
RAM_START: EQU 0xF000 ;Start of mapped RAM, initialised to 0
However I'm not sure about SPUF. It seems to be used as an address in the code, not as an offset into the RAM section of the 16K ROM as I expected.
Also, I'm not sure about the amount of RAM free. Am I ok with 4kb-256b, or do I need 8kb?