Who download only some parts of the file? probably the boots that are constantly tracking the WWW.
Ok, once with QUIGS downloaded and installed, you must open the SETTINGS.TXT file to adapt the program to your monitor resolution. Also, it must be run on a freshly loaded WIN session, because if not, it will refuse to work annoyingly.
Now I will give a brief description of what is it and what not.
It is an environment, not only an editor for a language, it brings a lot of tools to create the app. Once you start using it understand the titanic task of creating it, while doing it so easy to the user.
Sadly, it has ONE BIG DRAWBACK: still there is no manual of use.... although it is very intuitive to use. Other minor drawback is that it has still a number of bugs, but it is very usable. For example, the use of Copy/Paste is very limited and the lenght of the lines has not been defined.
But first some hints about the target of QUIGS -----> SymbOS.
SymbOS is a "modern" multi-task WIMP,(Windows, Icons, Mouse, Pointer) operative system on a Z80 architecture computer, you all know that, but internally it manages cleverly and very fast a lot of "complex" things to show us a face that seem very similar to a WIN98 OS. Like EXOS, it manages automatically the pagination system, but instead, all SymbOS apps are made of relocatable code, something that EXOS can do but is not so easy to achieve. Don't fear, QUIGS will do that task for us....
Also, SymbOS is not a whole thing, it is made of a multitude of "events", like open/close a window, click a button, pull a menu, etc. QUIGS necessarily has to be based on these elements so, every time we launch the environment we are presented with the first event, the bigger of all, Main:
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