Hi, I've been doing some test programming the ep128. I realized it is expandable til 3.5 mb, what is a craziness.
I did programming under IS-DOS and Turbo Pascal, wonderful tool, with the integrated editor, but I suspect the memory is limited to 64 kb due the nature of CP/m. ¿Am I right?
I also wrote the same under IS-BASIC. I am pretty sure under basic the whole memory is ready for programs but is slow as hell and we don't have an editor (copy, cut, paste).
I tried the same with Hisoft Pascal but ... I gave up. It has no integrated editor, the editing capabilities are limited and it is confusing to me how to work with several files. Maybe with an external editor, if exists, launched from HSP. Too much fight compared to Turbo Pascal.
So finally ¿are these the only options to develop with high level programming in the EP? ¿Cross compiling? I've read other posts in the forum but I don't know how up to date they are.