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Author Topic: Enterprise assembly programming resources (Read 8012 times)

Offline trankitron

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Enterprise assembly programming resources
« on: 2023.February.03. 13:25:02 »
Hi all,

I've just got an Enterprise 64 from an egyptian seller on eBay. The micro seems in good conditions, at least aesthetically, because I'm still awaiting for a video cable to turn it on.

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If I'm lucky and it works I will proceed with some updates and improvements that spanish Enterprisers at the RetroWiki forum have recommended me  as a must procedure like: replacing the ROM with one including the latest EXOS and BASIC, expanding the available RAM or adding a disk controller for SD card.

I'm specially interested in learning about the assembly programming for the EP so I'd like to get good resources about the topic. Once I become familiar with the Z80 programming (I've coded for 6502 and 68K, but not for Z80), I imagine a key goal should be to access good manuals or references about the custom chips and the EP's specific hardware.

I've found this collection of books:

and the following guide for the Nick chip:

Which resources (books, tutorials, repositories, etc.) would you recommend me to learn about Enterprise's hardware programming?

Thank you!


Hola a todos,

Acabo de recibir un Enterprise 64 de un vendedor egipcio en eBay. El micro parece en buenas condiciones, al menos estéticamente, porque todavía estoy esperando un cable de video para encenderlo. Si tengo suerte y funciona, procederé con algunas actualizaciones y mejoras que los emprendedores españoles en el foro RetroWiki me han recomendado como procedimiento obligatorio como: reemplazar la ROM con una que incluya los últimos EXOS y BASIC, ampliar la RAM disponible o agregando un controlador de disco para la tarjeta SD.

Estoy especialmente interesado en aprender sobre la programación en ensamblador para el EP, así que me gustaría conocer buenos recursos sobre el tema. Una vez que me familiarice con la programación del Z80 (he codificado para el 6502 y 68K, pero no para el Z80), imagino que un objetivo debería ser acceder a buenos manuales o referencias sobre los custom chips y el hardware específico del EP.

He encontrado esta colección de libros:

y la siguiente guía para el chip Nick:

¿Qué recursos (libros, tutoriales, repositorios, etc.) me recomendaríais para aprender sobre la programación a nivel hardware del Enterprise?


Offline Judge

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Re: Enterprise assembly programming resources
« Reply #1 on: 2023.February.03. 23:01:25 »
I hope you didn't buy the "retroCables" video cable...

Offline ergoGnomik

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Re: Enterprise assembly programming resources
« Reply #2 on: 2023.February.04. 12:18:58 »
I'd recommend you to visit Zozosoft's repository of original documentation, too. You find it at enterprise.iko.hu. Read everything available anywhere you can find. That's how you are most probable to learn everything necessary about these a bit strange but wonderful machines. BTW, right next to the NICK link you posted, you can find the guide on programming the sound generator and memory mapper IC called DAVE, the other cornerstone of these systems.

Offline trankitron

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Re: Enterprise assembly programming resources
« Reply #3 on: 2023.February.04. 17:29:56 »
I hope you didn't buy the "retroCables" video cable...

I'm worried that I ordered that cable. I gather from your words that it was a mistake.


Me temo que he pedido ese cable. De tus palabras deduzco que ha sido un error.
« Last Edit: 2023.February.04. 17:35:59 by trankitron »

Offline trankitron

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Re: Enterprise assembly programming resources
« Reply #4 on: 2023.February.04. 17:34:57 »
I'd recommend you to visit Zozosoft's repository of original documentation, too. You find it at enterprise.iko.hu.

Thank you. That seems a website with a lot of useful resources for programming the Enterprise.


Gracias. Parece que ese sitio tiene muchos recursos útiles para la programación del Enterprise.

Offline geco

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Re: Enterprise assembly programming resources
« Reply #5 on: 2023.February.05. 10:34:13 »
Or if you have question regarding programming on EP, you can ask in the forum also :)

Offline Judge

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Re: Enterprise assembly programming resources
« Reply #6 on: 2023.February.05. 11:04:30 »
I'm worried that I ordered that cable. I gather from your words that it was a mistake.

Yes, you would have got better quality here, cheaper.

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Offline trankitron

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Re: Enterprise assembly programming resources
« Reply #7 on: 2023.February.05. 13:29:06 »
Yes, you would have got better quality here, cheaper.

(Attachment Link)

Where can I find those cables?


¿Dónde puedo encontear esos cables?

Offline trankitron

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Re: Enterprise assembly programming resources
« Reply #8 on: 2023.February.05. 13:37:21 »
Or if you have question regarding programming on EP, you can ask in the forum also :)

Thank you @geco. I'll do that way, however, I prefer to try to study the basics before making noise unnecessarily.


Gracias @geco. Lo haré de ese modo; sin embargo, prefiero intentar estudiar lo básico antes de generar ruido innecesariamente.

Offline geco

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Re: Enterprise assembly programming resources
« Reply #9 on: 2023.February.05. 13:41:53 »
Where can I find those cables?
Write to Judge :D , he produces Monitor cables of good quality, and jostick adapters also up to 6 joy capable joystick adapters.
« Last Edit: 2023.February.05. 17:02:37 by szipucsu »

Offline geco

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Re: Enterprise assembly programming resources
« Reply #10 on: 2023.February.05. 13:43:07 »
Thank you @geco. I'll do that way, however, I prefer to try to study the basics before making noise unnecessarily.
You are welcome, creating LPT seems to bit complicated for 1st glance, but it is not, and LPT gives a lot of opportunity.