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Author Topic: RGB cable WITHOUT a SCART connector at the other end (Read 2573 times)

Offline JCCyC

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RGB cable WITHOUT a SCART connector at the other end
« on: 2015.April.30. 06:11:44 »
I, too, am in need of an RGB cable. Even though I live in Brazil, I have monitors that accept 50 Hz, 15 kHz RGB. But they don't have a SCART connector, they have a VGA DE-15 female connector with R, G, B, HSync, VSync and ground in the usual places. Audio goes to a female stereo P2 plug in the monitor.

I could very easily build this cable out of Zozosoft's cable, but it'd be a waste to cut off the SCART connector. I'd be happy with either the E128 compatible edge connector only, ot it wired to a cable and nothing on the other side.

Offline Tuby128

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Re: RGB cable WITHOUT a SCART connector at the other end
« Reply #1 on: 2015.April.30. 11:52:44 »
Dear Sir,

 I think i did not understand, what you want, maybe this helps you:
 If you able to find an old PC motherboard (in second hand old computer parts store, or ebay, every pentium 1 motherboard has this slot) you can cut out and unsolder the ISA slot.
 You only need 2x7 pole to connect to the Enterprise, simply cut with a saw. From one ISA slot you can make more connector.

Offline Zozosoft

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Re: RGB cable WITHOUT a SCART connector at the other end
« Reply #2 on: 2015.April.30. 12:03:24 »
For example but you can find it at lot of sellers (at various sizes). Need to cut for monitor connector size.
The good in the edge connectors: you get one longer, and then can be cutted for all connectors on the Enterprise :-)