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Author Topic: Lost magazines, books, soft and other stuff (Read 51273 times)

Offline SlashNet

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Lost magazines, books, soft and other stuff
« on: 2018.January.09. 14:42:03 »

1983.11 Educational Computing [EN]
Educational Computing, 1983 Nov, p13 (ISSN: 0143-6058)
Article: Microworld - A Machine Design to Whet the Appetite.

1984.01 Computer Answers #12 [EN]
Source: page 154

1984.01 What Micro [EN]
Article: All or Nothing

1984.03 Computing (U.K.) [EN]
Computing (U.K.), 1984 March 15, p2 (ISSN: 0144-3097)
Article: Flan Creates 90 Jobs to Produce New Micro

1985.02 What Micro [EN]
Article: Beam us up, Scottie

1985.05 P.M. Computerheft [DE]
Article: Test: Homecomputer Mephisto

1985.11 Computer TEAM #11 [DE]

???1985-86 Computer Persönlich [DE]

???1985-86 Computer-Markt [DE]
(Can't find anything about that magazine or gazette)
Source (presumably here full article)

???1986 Playboy Germany [DE]
perhaps february issue
Source (presumably here full article)

1986.01 Data Welt [DE]

1986.01 Orendador Popular #32 [SP]
[ Guests cannot view attachments ]

1986.05 Personal Computer World [EN]
Article: keyboard tutor

1986.09 BANG #3 [EN]

1986.10 Personal Computer World [EN]
Article: cribbage

???2004.11 Personal Computer World [EN]
(I think so, because original issue was at November 1984)
"If you’re interested in the history of Olivetti, Sirius, Apricot, the Xerox Alto, Elan Enterprise, Memotech and the Sord M5, these were covered in my Retro column in Personal Computer World magazine, Oct 04, Nov 04, Dec 04, Feb 05, Mar 05, Apr 05 and Jun 05 issues respectively."


2013.02 RETURN [DE]
RETURN magazine Issue 13, published 2013-02-15 (Germany)
Source (7 pages 00:24-00:33)

2017.07-08 Amiga Future #127 [EN][DE]
Article: Specials: Enterprise 128k


Gordon, Alan M. - Super Programmer (1985)
Professional programming in ANSI Standard BASIC.
Sigma Press. ISBN 1-85058-002-2. The Enterprise 64 Computer ... is one of the few micro computers to implement Full ANSI BASIC


Technical manual on russian and IS-BASIC manual on russian
Русифицированное техническое руководство и справочник по IS-BASIC на русском языке

Техника-молодёжи 1992.03 стр.4:
Вы хотели бы заполучить редкостное в наших краях техническое руководство (Technical Manual) к вашему компьютеру? К тому же - на русском языке? Книга содержит подробное описание операционной системы и драйверов и явится незаменимым пособием для каждого - от начинающего пользователя до опытного программиста. Приложение к тексту - схемы подключения периферийных устройств. Предварительные заказы посылайте в адрес редакции «ТМ» с пометкой «Enterprise» на конверте. Помните: от вашей активности зависят сроки издания, тираж и следовательно, стоимость столь необходимого вам руководства."

Техника-молодёжи 1992.09 стр.7:
"Уважаемые пользователи ПК Enterprise 128!
Вас, естественно интересуют сроки выпуска и порядок реализации «Технического руководства» к Вашему компьютеру.
Приславших предварительные заказы просим не беспокоиться: все заявки будут учтены при определении тиража книги. Она готовится к изданию и увидит свет в конце этого - начале следующего года.
Ориентировочная цена - 200 руб. Условия приобретения сообщим дополнительно."


"Bits 'n' Pieces", Grampian TV's home computer series 1985
"Bits 'n' Pieces is a series of six programmes and will be screened from about mid-june onwards"
« Last Edit: 2024.September.12. 20:30:13 by SlashNet »

Offline SlashNet

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Re: Lost magazines, books, soft and other stuff
« Reply #1 on: 2018.January.09. 14:42:36 »

(add later)...

Offline SlashNet

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Re: Lost magazines, books, soft and other stuff
« Reply #2 on: 2018.January.16. 14:37:35 »
Added Practical Computing March 1985. Issue 3, Volume 8
http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/det/3906/Practical-Computing-March-1985/ (look at cover)

Offline SlashNet

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Re: Lost magazines, books, soft and other stuff
« Reply #3 on: 2018.February.04. 20:19:38 »
Added 2 issues of "Alt om Data" magazine.

Offline SlashNet

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Re: Lost magazines, books, soft and other stuff
« Reply #4 on: 2018.February.14. 23:22:52 »
Added issue of magazine BANG Weekly #3.

Offline SlashNet

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Re: Lost magazines, books, soft and other stuff
« Reply #5 on: 2018.May.21. 11:49:51 »

DataVisen! Magazine

Quote from: readable text
Indlagt i dette nr.

Så kom det næste nummer af Datavisen, som er Semicap Data's nyhedsmedie! Denne avis udkommer nu regelmæssigt og kan rekvireres hos.

Avisen skal ud!


Posted in this no.

Then came the next issue of Datavisen, which is Semicap Data's news media! This newspaper is now published regularly and can be obtained from.

The newspaper is going out!


Quote from: readable text

til dette første nummer af bladet »ENTER«, som er planlagt til at udkomme mindst 4 gange om året, afhængigt af, hvor meget stof der kommer ind og om der er nogen, der ønsker at deltage i arbejdet med at lave bladet. Dette første nummer er gratis, da det er indlagt i Semicap Data’s DATAvisen, men det er meningen, at »ENTER« i fremtiden skal koste penge.

»ENTER« udgives af klubben »ENTER«, der foreløbegt finansieres af Semicap Data og har adresse hos samme firma, indtil klubben finder sin form i den nærmeste fremtid. Vi vil derfor gerne i kontakr med personer, som ønsker at gøre »ENTER« kendt.

Alle indlæg om Enterprise i »ENTER« vil blive betalt i form af software, bøger, krus og andet som vi måtte få fra Enterprise i England. Og i nogle tilfælde med gode danske kroner.

Medlemsskabet af »ENTER« giver desuden mulighed for at spare nogle penge i forbindelse med køb af bestemte varer direkte hos »ENTER«. Det kan være software, tidsskrifter, bøger og andet, der kommer frem til Enterprise.

Et af klubbens største ønsker er at udarbejde et kursus i brugen af Enterprise både for begyndere og viderkommende. Så hvis der er nogen, der har lyst, er det bare med at komme ud af busken. Vi betaler selvfølgelig for det.

Ethvert brugerblad har en teknisk brevkasse, hvilket vi starter på allerede i dette nummer. Hvis du har nogle spørgsmål, er det bare med at få dem formulerede og sendt ind til os. Hvis det er spørgsmål, der kan være relevante for andre, vil vi bringe dem her i bladet, men du vil under alle omstændigheder få svar så hurtigt som muligt.

Medlemsskabet af »ENTER« koster kr. 225.- incl. moms og indmeldelsesgebyr. Det gælder i et helt år fra indbetalingsdatoen.

Det kan muligvis synes dyrt, men det koster an utrolig masse penge at lave denne slags aktiviteter, og dette ar ikke et profitforetagende, selvom indbetalinge skal foregå til:


c/o Semicap Data ApS
GI.Kongevej 148
1850 Kbhvn.V
Giro nr. 1 65 69 02

PS: Semicap Data vil meget nødigt have telefonopkald om »ENTER«'s aktiviteter og indmeldelser, da de ganske enkelt ikke kan klare denne ekspedition. Evt. salg af »ENTER«'s produkter kan ej heller ske gennem Semicap Data's forretninger eller andre »ENTERPRISE-SPECIALISTER«

Se side 10.


Welcome ...

for this first issue of the magazine 'ENTER', which is scheduled to appear at least 4 times a year, depending on how much substance comes in and whether there is anyone who wishes to participate in the work of making the magazine. This first number is free, as it is contained in Semicap Data's DATAvisen, but it is supposed that 'ENTER' in the future will cost money.

'ENTER' is published by the club 'ENTER', which is provisionally financed by Semicap Data and has an address at the same company until the club takes its form in the near future. We would therefore like to contact people who wish to make 'ENTER' known.

All posts about Enterprise in "ENTER" will be paid in the form of software, books, mugs and other items that we may receive from Enterprise in England. And in some cases with good Danish kroner.

The membership of 'ENTER' also allows you to save some money in the purchase of certain items directly at 'ENTER'. It may be software, journals, books and more that come to Enterprise.

One of the club's biggest wishes is to develop a course in the use of Enterprise for beginners and celebrities. So if anyone wants it, just get out of the bush. Of course we pay for it.

Each user magazine has a technical mailbox, which we already start with in this number. If you have any questions, just get them formulated and submitted to us. If there are questions that may be relevant to others, we will bring them here in the magazine, but you will, in any case, get a response as soon as possible.

The membership of 'ENTER' costs NOK 225.- incl. VAT and registration fee. This applies for an entire year from the date of payment.

It may seem expensive, but it takes a lot of money to do this kind of activity, and this is not a profit company, although payments must be made to:


c / o Semicap Data ApS
GI.Kongevej 148
1850 Kbhvn.V
Giro No. 1 65 69 02

PS: Semicap Data would very much need no phone calls on 'ENTER' 's activities and registrations as they simply can not handle this expedition. Possibly. The sale of 'ENTER' products can not be done either through Semicap Data's stores or other 'ENTERPRISE SPECIALISTS'

-------------------------------------------------- ----------
See page 10.

Offline SteveNew

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Re: Lost magazines, books, soft and other stuff
« Reply #6 on: 2019.May.04. 14:49:24 »
I do not see any reference to Digital&Micro Electronics Oct/Nov 1985. I read the above list as wanted, in the sense that the whole articles are missing - and the source links are more reference to their existence - is that correct? If that is the case then I have some of the articles scanned in full.

I am pretty sure that either Elektor or D&ME had an article about building a RLL HD-controller for the Enterprise back then - never got that magazine :(

Just attach the D&ME here.
« Last Edit: 2019.May.04. 16:13:59 by SteveNew »

Offline gflorez

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Re: Lost magazines, books, soft and other stuff
« Reply #7 on: 2019.May.04. 17:48:23 »
A pity not have the previous number with the description of the interface.

Very interesting weather data collect-display program. But having an Enterprise perpetually running only for that task is a waste.

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Re: Lost magazines, books, soft and other stuff
« Reply #8 on: 2019.May.04. 18:02:31 »
:D Well many of my prof-of-concept projects over the years has also not had that big value - they were done because I could and curiosity.

Just also found my old copy of "The VIC-20 Connection" book - these projects where also interesting - but not something to keep it powered on for. Nowadays we are spilled by cheap SBCs - like Raspberry Pi - isn't that great ;)

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Re: Lost magazines, books, soft and other stuff
« Reply #9 on: 2019.May.04. 19:59:05 »
Yes, today we can put a cheap micro-controller to colect data, and later proccess it.

But still it is very interesting to connect sensors to the humble Z80 processor.

Offline Zozosoft

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Re: Lost magazines, books, soft and other stuff
« Reply #10 on: 2019.May.04. 20:04:46 »
I am pretty sure that either Elektor or D&ME had an article about building a RLL HD-controller for the Enterprise back then - never got that magazine :(
It is not possible you can find it in library? (In Hungary at all released books and magazines required to give few copies to public libraries.)

Offline SlashNet

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Re: Lost magazines, books, soft and other stuff
« Reply #11 on: 2019.May.04. 22:17:35 »
I read the above list as wanted, in the sense that the whole articles are missing - and the source links are more reference to their existence - is that correct?

Absolutely correct.
Thanks for the uploads!

As I understand "Alt om Data [DA] Enterprise 128.pdf" must be "1985 Alt om Data 8/10 [DK]".
But what magazine issue number has article "Alt om Data [DA] Test - part 3 of 3.pdf" ?

Offline SteveNew

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Re: Lost magazines, books, soft and other stuff
« Reply #12 on: 2019.May.05. 12:30:59 »
It is not possible you can find it in library? (In Hungary at all released books and magazines required to give few copies to public libraries.)
That I think is also correct for Denmark, but only for national publications - so German or UK magazine would not be archived.

I did browser through 1985-1988 of UK Elektor Electronics last night - so unless I missed something no Enterprise projects - many great project for MSX, C64, VIC-20, Spectrum though :roll:

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Re: Lost magazines, books, soft and other stuff
« Reply #13 on: 2019.May.05. 13:36:35 »
Absolutely correct.
Thanks for the uploads!

As I understand "Alt om Data [DA] Enterprise 128.pdf" must be "1985 Alt om Data 8/10 [DK]".
But what magazine issue number has article "Alt om Data [DA] Test - part 3 of 3.pdf" ?
So the ones "we" have the content for is on your site - right?
You are welcome!

Sorry about the filenames - should have been more like:
"Alt om Data [DA] Enterprise 128.pdf" => "1985 Alt om Data issue 8 / page 10 [DK]"
I am not sure about the "..Test - part 3 of 3.." origin I started doing a bit of digging...

Seems I need to contact public library ;)

Currently also found a ref to this article: "128'ere. Alle 128'ere på et blik. Amstrad 6128, Advance 86A, Atari 130 XE, BBC B + 128, Commodore 128, Enterprise 128, Memotech RS 128, Sinclair QL. 2/64 1986 Alt om Data" - so Alt om Data #2 v1986 page 64

And in "Ny Elektronik 1984/3" om page 12 - there is a small part about MikroData84 fair - where SemiCap Data - apparently had an Elan "dummy" at their booth. See: http://www.e-pages.dk/audiomedia/2018837888/

I also have DATAvisen! #2 Vol.2 [DA] (November 1984) - Semicap Data's Magazine, full center article on Enterprise+a bit more - do miss that?

Will make a list and try and get some scans/links - might take a bit :)

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Re: Lost magazines, books, soft and other stuff
« Reply #14 on: 2019.May.05. 16:45:38 »
But what magazine issue number has article "Alt om Data [DA] Test - part 3 of 3.pdf" ?

It seem to be from an issue of "populær elektronik" in 1985 - I have "ordered" the scanned articles from the library - let us see how it goes. I did order some other interesting stuff also ;)

The first part seems to be from "populær elektronik" 1984/12 the issue pictured in the lower left: https://www.dba.dk/populaer-elektronik-magasin/id-1052970297/billeder/2/

Soft 2/1986: http://www.e-pages.dk/audiomedia/1149158209/ 2/1986 p22 - Cover and Nodes of Yesod review stats Enterprise