I know our site main problem for our non-Hungarian visitors/members is site main language which is Hungarian. This has a historical reason. Yes, our site has history
Let me allow a quick retrospection. For years there was only one Enterprise forum which I known (maybe this was the only EP forum in the whole world?). This is the forum on Index.hu. It has a lots of posts but it is not so comfortable, slow, lack of features, etc. Then I had the idea of starting a forum for us. In 2005 I started the forum with PHPBB as a trial to see how many people will like the new forum and how many will use it. The hardcore EP fans were the first, then new members came. After a while our first non-Hungarian member arrived which was a suprise as I don't advertise the site. And then more non-Hungarian people came and luckily they brought new interesting informations. Meanwhile we evolved into an international Enterprise forum
I didn't imagine that in 2005.
So, that was the start. Back to the present. Most of the information are in Hungarian. We already started a translation project to translate any important or interesting information, documentation available only in Hungarian to English. You can see the progress on our
wiki. I encourage everyone who speaks English well, to help us improve the translations. Just read the wiki, and if you found any grammatical error, typo or anything you don't like, please let us know! The
wiki needs registration (it is not integrated into the forum), but after that you can edit everything by yourself. If you don't want to register, please use this topic to inform us what you found.