EXOS 2.4 beta 2What's new from the 2.32 version:
- CPU speed and type (NMOS/CMOS) displayed at the startup. (NMOS Z80 CPUs have know bug with LD A,I , LD A,R instructions)
- the Slow RAM test replaced by Advanced test, this is more accurate, testing with Walking Ones and Zeros, various Inversion tests (00FF,FF00,55AA,AA55), and Pseudo Random Fill test. For testing the DRAM Refresh, after the first phase testing, it is will waiting for a key press, and then will verify again the Random Fill paterns. You can left the machine for a minutes or a hours and after can check the DRAM refresh is worked correctly?
- the CPU clock speed is monitored, and when changed (on turbo machines) the DAVE frequency select (4/6Mhz) on the 191. I/O port is set for the new frequency after few seconds. This make correct sound frequencies on 6Mhz machines. The 191. port is also control the memory wait states, for this new EXOS variable (191) added, you can select which wait states enabled by the automatic 191. port setting. If bit 7 of this variable is disabled, then the automatic 191. port settings is disabled.
- the standalone version of the Quicktest (TWP... files) can be putted to cartridge (on the 4. segment) and use with unmodified machines. Now it is also work with EXOS 2.0 (EP64 machines).