Conversion of Amstrad CPC version of
Renegade by John Brandwood (Elmer). The game is EXOS compatible, needs at least 114KB RAM.
- Bottom of screen got a raster bar.
- Game has horizontal scroll
- some additional colours in main screen, and status field
Up: W, Int/EXT1/2 Up,QAOP
Down: S, Int/EXT1/2 Down
Left: A, Int/EXT1/2 Left
Right: D, Int/EXT1/2 Right
Kick Left: J, EXT1/2 Fire1
Jump: K, EXT1/2 Fire2
Kick Right: L, EXT1/2 Fire3
Hold/Quit: Stop
F2: Raster On/Off
F3: Music On/Off
space/right shift+
F2: Punch in Row
F3: Invulnerable
F4: Infinite Time
F5: Infinite Lives
F6: Red Blood
F7: change left player in menu
F8: change right player in menu