Enterprise Forever

:HUN => Konvertálás => Spectrum-ról => Topic started by: geco on 2021.April.20. 20:42:03

Title: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.April.20. 20:42:03
Teszt verzió, próbáltam tesztelni én is,de a második részen nem sikerült túljutnom.
Sajnos EP128-on nem sikerült teljessé varázsolni a programot, 5 zene át lett irányítva a másik 5-re (ide került az LPT), és nincs end sequence, bővített gépen nincsenek ilyen korlátozások.

alap irányítás:
de bármire átdefiniálható (külső joyra is) , annyi, hogy int joy-os definiálásnál Q A O P fog megjelenni az irányoknál.

F8: god mode
F7: örök energia
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: Zozosoft on 2021.April.20. 21:11:00
Sajnos EP128-on nem sikerült teljessé varázsolni a programot, 5 zene át lett irányítva a másik 5-re (ide került az LPT), és nincs end sequence, bővített gépen nincsenek ilyen korlátozások.
Legalább végre jut valami extra bővített gépekhez :-)
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.April.20. 21:20:05
Legalább végre jut valami extra bővített gépekhez :-)
Eddig is volt :D
Wolf2004-ben, és MP Soccerben is butítani kellett EP128-ra :D
És volt pár program ami fullon betöltődött bővített gépen.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: Lacika on 2021.April.21. 18:24:54
Ja, hogy ebben egy élet van...? :oops:
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.April.21. 19:50:53
Ja, hogy ebben egy élet van...? :oops:
igen :-D Az eredetiben is ez remlik, csalas nelkul a macikon nem jutottam volna tul.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: szipucsu on 2021.April.22. 19:50:22
Szép színes, és a zenében is jó hangzások vannak. Először megnéztem, nincs-e bekapcsolva a SID emuláció, de nem volt. A Dave alapból szól így gyűrűmodulációval?
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.April.22. 21:23:56
Some menu backgrounds redrawing with wrong colour: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t4lpasywoc1u7xp/cv_menu.avi?dl=0

Geco, do you have sources or modify binaries?
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: szipucsu on 2021.April.22. 22:34:56
Itt nem lehet eljutni a nyilak fölött azért a cuccért.
De más pályákon is vannak helyek, ahol nagyot kellene ugrani, hogy elérjünk valamit. Lehet, még háromszor oda-vissza végig kellene menni a pályán, és akkor lenne valami szuper képességünk mindenhova eljutni.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: szipucsu on 2021.April.22. 22:39:39
Some menu backgrounds redrawing with wrong colour:
Yes, where you can move the line in the menu, the line gets another colour after highlighting. Is it a bug?

Igen, ahol lépkedni lehet a menüben, ott a sor elszíneződik, miután ráléptünk, ez talán bug?
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.April.22. 23:23:50
Lehet, még háromszor oda-vissza végig kellene menni a pályán, és akkor lenne valami szuper képességünk mindenhova eljutni.

Yes. Later you will get dash ability to reach this places.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.April.22. 23:39:13
Szép színes, és a zenében is jó hangzások vannak. Először megnéztem, nincs-e bekapcsolva a SID emuláció, de nem volt. A Dave alapból szól így gyűrűmodulációval?
AY envelope-ok 1KHz-es megszakításból emulálva :D, nem tökéletes, de egész jó.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.April.22. 23:44:50
Some menu backgrounds redrawing with wrong colour: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t4lpasywoc1u7xp/cv_menu.avi?dl=0

Geco, do you have sources or modify binaries?
Thx, I like the dark cyan redrawing at redefine keyboard, but if you wish, i will change it to bright cyan, there are more dark and bright changes, ex pergamen is bright yellow on EP.
I could not reach the shopping pergamen, i will check it and change it's colours.
Unfortunately I did not have source for Castlevania (as for most programs), i worked with binaries.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.April.23. 08:49:22
I could not reach the shopping pergamen, i will check it and change it's colours.

Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.April.23. 08:57:30
cool, thx :-)
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: szipucsu on 2021.April.23. 19:22:17
AY envelope-ok 1KHz-es megszakításból emulálva :D, nem tökéletes, de egész jó.
Ezek az extrém hangzások akkor egyetlen csatornát használnak csak? Gyanús volt, mert mintha az összes csatorna szólt volna, és ez a hangzás mégis megvolt úgy, hogy más csatorna nem jött zavarba tőle. Akkor semmi gyűrűmoduláció? Pedig nagyon hasonlít hozzá, de mégis kicsit érdekes.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.April.23. 20:56:28
Ezek az extrém hangzások akkor egyetlen csatornát használnak csak?
Igen, az envelope hosszát állítgatja a program
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.April.23. 22:26:25
Castlevania corrected version, it was strange, all attribute bytes were converted regarding shopping, and key selection, except one, which was a patched byte (and it was responsible for parchment colour only), other bytes was wrongly converted (i used to calculate the new values by head :D :D ) In key selection that was the good value, just i did not keep in mind that all parchment became bright, because Castlevania reset bit 7 of attribute bytes for parchment background colour, and i converted the restore colour to dark cyan :D :D
I corrected another mistake what i inserted, i disabled the interrupt at beginning of key check, but enabled at end of key check, when key was not pressed, but if key was pressed, it was not reenabled.

Castlevania javított verzió, érdekes módon egy kivételével az összes attributum bájt konvertálva volt billentyű választás, és vásárláskor, csak rosszul :D ( fejben konvertáltam azokat) ez egy kimaradó bájtot a program patchelte, az volt felelős a pergament színéért. A billentyű választáskor jó értékre konvertáltam, csak azt felejtettem el, hogy az összes pergament szín sötétből világos lett, mert a program a pergament attributum bájtjának 7. bitjét nullázza, ezeket alapból világosra is konvertáltam emiatt.
Egy másik hiba is javítva lett, billentyű olvasáskor a rutin elején tiltottam a megszakítást, a rutin végén meg engedélyeztem, de oda csak akkor jut a program, ha nem volt gomb lenyomva, ha volt, akkor kilép belőle, és tiltott maradt a megszakítás, ez okozta a billentyűzet beállítás után a zene megnyúlását.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: Lacika on 2021.April.24. 10:18:26
Eddig is volt :D
Wolf2004-ben, és MP Soccerben is butítani kellett EP128-ra :D
És volt pár program ami fullon betöltődött bővített gépen.

Robocop 3 (http://www.ep128.hu/Games/Robocop3.htm) is csak memóriabővítős gépen fut. Ez nem feltétlenül baj, azért os mondom, hogy érdemes amúgy nagyon jó (https://www.cpc-power.com/index.php?page=detail&num=1516) játékokat is átírni, akkor is, ha az LPT miatt nem lehet betuszkolni 128K-ba. Etsetleg akkor már némi extrát is bele lehet rakni... :oops:
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.April.24. 15:04:38
Ebbe en csak egy extrat tudtam volna elkepzelni, a kezdopalyak egenek raszterezeset, de mast nem, az igazi extra az lenne, ha a grafika at lenne alakitva 16 szinre.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.May.01. 15:14:39
Játék mentési opció implementálva, csak file kezelő eszköz esetén működik, és csak akkor, ha bővített a gép.
Save game option has been implemented, it works only with file handling device, and on expanded EP.

F2: játék mentése / save game

Visszatöltés a menüben a Continue menüpont alatt, betöltéskor csekkolja a program, hogy létezik-e mentett állás, ha igen, akkor megjelenik a Continue opció, viszont kezdéskor még nincs memóriába mentett állás, így ilyenkor ha Load File? kérdésre N-et nyomunk, akkor is a fájl töltődik be, ha már volt elkezdett játék, akkor természetesen N-re a memóriában lévő mentésállítja vissza.

Load back saved game can be done in Continue menu option, program loader checks if saved game exists, if yes, then Continue option appears after loading, but in this phase we do not have saved game in memory, therefore if we choose N for Load File? question, the saved file will be loaded, if a game was already started, then N will restore the saved game from memory.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.May.01. 16:48:46
Like previous build:
128K - OK (with preloading message)
144K - corrupted music and freezes after intro scroll
160K - seems working good
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.May.01. 17:40:21
Like previous build:
128K - OK (with preloading message)
144K - corrupted music and freezes after intro scroll
160K - seems working good
I did not test it with 144KB, it is possible, but who wants extra 16KB memory? :D :D
I will check it, otherwise load/save works well?
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.May.01. 17:52:40
I did not test it with 144KB, it is possible, but who wants extra 16KB memory? :D :D
I've just check minimal requirements. :)

otherwise load/save works well?

I think, that feature working good. And, surprisingly, in any place (Spectrum version make autosaves only at checkpoints).

But I didn't test it at boss battles.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.May.01. 18:22:30
I've just check minimal requirements. :)
Thx :) I did not want to create 144KB config in emulator, and i thought it works well, but i had to create one :D , so i created 160KB , and 176KB config also :D No segment was assigned to Sound segment, so the program tried unpack the music from EXOS ROM :ds_icon_cheesygrin:

I think, that feature working good. And, surprisingly, in any place (Spectrum version make autosaves only at checkpoints).

But I didn't test it at boss battles.
Unfortunately originally i did not know that the TRD version saves game state to disk, and thank you for the source, there i saw it, and yes, it seems game state is saved to disk at check points on Speccy, i wanted to do it differently, and i spent some hours today to realize it, i had to find out what else should be saved, and finally why the full screen is not restored after load :D :D
Theoretically Boss battle should work also, but it is theory, because it was not tested :D

128KB destroy system segment, no load/save option, no end sequence, 4 musics have been removed (LPT placed there)
144KB no end sequence, 4 musics have been removed (LPT placed there)
160KB no end sequence
>=176KB all option is available
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.May.01. 19:59:55
Thx :) I did not want to create 144KB config in emulator, and i thought it works well, but i had to create one :D , so i created 160KB , and 176KB config also

Usually, I've just change memory size with the configure menu and reset emulated system.

My default config always loaded at emulator start (so I have default settings every time when emulator started).
I've create batch file to start emulator and autostarting game into it: zip/rar unpacking to tmp folder, then searching for *.com,*.trn,*.bas file, create additional exdos.ini and autorun.bas file with line nnn :Start "gamename", then packing this to floppy img file and start emulator. So I just press Space at Enterprise logo and game starts automatically in most cases.

No segment was assigned to Sound segment, so the program tried unpack the music from EXOS ROM :ds_icon_cheesygrin:
Oh, now I know how EXOS sounds. :)

Unfortunately originally i did not know that the TRD version saves game state to disk, and thank you for the source, there i saw it, and yes, it seems game state is saved to disk at check points on Speccy

That why I asked you about save/load.
And your version is better. :)

I'll try to play this game more at this weekend.

128KB destroy system segment, no load/save option, no end sequence, 4 musics have been removed (LPT placed there)
144KB no end sequence, 4 musics have been removed (LPT placed there)
160KB no end sequence
>=176KB all option is available

Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.May.01. 21:43:28
your solution is an advanced one :-)
I use always tape config with fileio and select the loader by pressing F1 :-D And i use always the predefined config file, i forgot that emu can be configured inside also :-D
Thx, i did not like that game can be restarted from checkpoints, probably it would be better to load the saved game by F3, but now the loading a bit more complicated, therefore i think it will be used less for cheating :-D
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.May.01. 22:02:33
I use always tape config with fileio and select the loader by pressing F1

It's so boring to unpack files to 'files' dir, start emu, waiting EP logo, press Space then press F1, then find appropriate com file... :smt015

I'm so lazy to do this things. :ds_icon_cheesygrin:
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.May.01. 22:07:28
I do it rarely, mostly i compile the program, load it and try to find the errors :-D
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.May.02. 13:37:08
Wrong palette at first boss battle.

Spectrum: https://youtu.be/hMWlYaYbldQ?t=1260


And after death or victory palette still wrong

Wood is flooded by flame and rivers with lava :)
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.May.02. 14:43:43
thx, i will check.
it seems at first glance, the palette changed in lpt, or boss objects are stored in other place, we will see.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.May.02. 18:37:07
The problem was that, the game unpacks only attributes for boss game, and overwrite my converted attributes, and after boss game it restores the attributes from another packed file, now those 2 packed attributes are converted also.
I found another bug in the saved game ( i created a save game state from memory from you snapshot :D ) boss game do not update saved game in memory, i had 2 choices:
1 do not modify on saved game setup, and copy the content to save game memory
2 modify content, and save save game memory also
I chose the 1st solution, it can cause some positioning issue after die if new checkpoint is not reached, but i did not meet serious positioning issue.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.May.02. 21:34:45
Minor issue with savegames and palette.
After boss defeating (2-nd in my case) his dungeon got new colours - it's ok.

I've made save outside dungeon, die and respawn at last checkpoint in dungeon.
Then I load from manual saved game and get changed colours at ouside screen. But they will restore to correct if I go to another screen.

Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.May.02. 21:41:53
As i see the changed attributes in game tilemap remained on changed attributes of boss map, we can live with it.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: szipucsu on 2021.May.03. 18:43:37
You can record demo from the Emulator too. It might be easier to do and upload here than a separate video.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.May.03. 19:43:58
You can record demo from the Emulator too. It might be easier to do and upload here than a separate video.
I know. But loading of saved game doesn't working while recording demofile.
As I understand emulator can't work with external disk drives in rec demo mode.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.May.03. 22:32:32
I think this bug is from original Spectrum version.
After killing last boss, his sprite just become invisible. If hit him, final sequence played again and again, and he still can hurt you.

Here snapshot with last kick for dracula, and two demos (bad ending).
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.May.04. 08:55:53
oki, i will check it, probably at the weekend.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.May.04. 15:09:35
Only blue gradients in scrolls (start and final) is by design?
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.May.04. 15:13:51
After killing last boss, his sprite just become invisible. If hit him, final sequence played again and again, and he still can hurt you.

Author said that in Spectrum version this effect doesn't exist.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.May.04. 16:45:35
Only blue gradients in scrolls (start and final) is by design?
(Attachment Link) (Attachment Link)
Yes, and the scroll is faster, therefore the text goes over 3 times
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.May.04. 19:24:57
Scroll is very smooth. :smt023
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.May.04. 19:36:21
Thx :) On EP128 there is a small vibration, because LPT changing routine is on a video segment, but i did not want to change segment allocation orders.
I checked Speccy version and i get the same behaviour like with EP version, i created a restored game in Speccy emu (dracula sprite is bad) from cv_b5_drd.ep128s , and there are 2 possibilities, end sequence if i do not move after last hit, and game over if i go to the flashing points, and i could not reproduce any of bad endings.

Sorry, i could reproduce 1st bad ending also in Speccy emu, just i did not press fire earlier after dracula was killed.
And i could reproduce 2nd bad ending also.
I will try to disable keyboard reading in this phase.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.May.04. 21:59:56
Now player is not able to move if dracula bat sprite is killed, I created a save game also for testing, and it shows another small bug of this version of save, it seems boss sprites are also packed, and if i load a state from a place where the boss was not unpacked the sprite will be bad.
I recognized today, that there are 2 end sequence, this one i did not see before :D When I tested, i saw only the other where castle is destroyed.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.May.04. 22:11:40
Yes. Today I've completed "good" ending. But anyway, bad ending is "canonical".

Snapshot from previous version:
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.May.08. 11:09:01
Now Boss sprites are unpacked after loaded game state, and i corrected another issue, if player died, the program copied player properties from FF00h also, which was not filled after game state loaded.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.May.10. 14:39:40
Now I understand what's wrong with the map.

Cell's background isn't blue.
Altars part's colours are wrong.
But altar's colours are normal.


Map from ZX version:

Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.May.10. 16:21:52
It's possible to change unloaded music (in 128K mode) to another?

Because at castle part playing short endgame sample.

P.S.: Or even in 128k mode doesn't load intro music: its place (at memory) use for one more gameplay music. And for intro use music from the menu?
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.May.10. 20:14:31
yes, it is possible to assign another music, i would keep menu music, because most of game players will hear 3 musics, menu, level1 and game over :-D :-D but as i remember (it can be wrong) there are 2 short musics, game over and boss.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.May.10. 20:25:53
as i remember (it can be wrong) there are 2 short musics, game over and boss.


Code: [Select]
bloody tears.pt3        │ 2507
dwelling of doom.pt3    │ 1851
ending.pt3              │ 1333
game over.pt3           │  464
heart of fire.pt3       │ 2501
intro.pt3               │ 2674
last boss.pt3           │  978
Night theme.pt3         │ 1571
poison mind.pt3         │ 1326
silence of daylight.pt3 │ 2187
title.pt3               │ 3301
wicked child.pt3        │ 2437
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.May.11. 17:58:39
Now I understand what's wrong with the map.

Cell's background isn't blue.
Altars part's colours are wrong.
But altar's colours are normal.

Map from ZX version:
Do you mean the opposit?
Altair colur is blue on the map in EP version and green at the bottom, but in the original both are green.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.May.11. 18:45:46
I wrote the correct colors.

Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.May.11. 19:28:41
I wrote the correct colors.
Today i checked the code, and recognized that map attributes have been converted also, just wrongly, do not convert speccy games who try to convert attributes in mind, and it do not works :ds_icon_cheesygrin: :ds_icon_cheesygrin:
Belmont and statue sign attributes had fix value, i converted it wrong, map attributes were converted also, just i involved bit7 also which should be skipped.

Music 02 has been patched into music 03 instead of music 04 (game over) on EP128

I reached my normal point in my conversions, i do not like the game, but what is different, i love the music, despite the AY hardware envelopes could not be emulated perfectly in EP version :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.May.12. 09:52:46
i love the music, despite the AY hardware envelopes could not be emulated perfectly in EP version :mrgreen:

I like the music in the EP version more than original ZX.
The original music sounds "hoarse" and "spiky", as for me. EP has softer music. :)
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.May.12. 10:09:03
I like the music in the EP version more than original ZX.
The original music sounds "hoarse" and "spiky", as for me. EP has softer music. :)
Strange, because for me the EP version sometimes more hoarse :), but i like it, yesterday i listened it about 30 minutes, after corrected the map attributes.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.May.30. 12:39:46
Castlevania (https://enterpriseforever.com/letoltesek-downloads/egyeb-misc/?action=dlattach;attach=27317) végleges verzió (nem történt semmi módosítás az utolsó verzióhoz képest, csak véglegesítettem)
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.May.30. 16:05:13
Castlevania végleges verzió

You decide to keep save-file with last boss? :)
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.May.30. 16:39:45
You decide to keep save-file with last boss? :)
I did not check the content of the ZIP file, I will remove save file :D
Thx :)
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.May.30. 22:38:45
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: Ep128 on 2021.May.31. 22:42:12
Szerintem nagyon szép! :-)
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.September.05. 18:27:30
Can't load final version on real EP from tape.
Tried load .tap and .wav files at emulator - same problem.
Loading stops near the end of the tape.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.September.05. 21:45:56
Was it an Ep128 config?
I will check, probably exos user boundary is the reason.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.September.05. 21:49:53
Yes. 128k.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.September.06. 20:35:34
please try this version, it was hard to find the error, because it came in the middle of a block load, the problem was that i set address of unpack temp data to 5b24h which does not cause any problem in any other case, but on 128k config the 1st unpack happens when this address on FF segment, and it cause that a small block (about 64 bytes) is corrupted during loading with tape config, and this is a packed data, which result total corrupted unpacked data.

Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: SlashNet on 2021.September.06. 22:41:01
This version seems to be loading correctly.
Tomorrow I'll try to load it on a real EP.
Title: Re: Castlevania
Post by: geco on 2021.September.07. 11:11:33
Great :)