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CPC-ről / Re: Oh Chute!
« Last post by SlashNet on 2024.April.03. 23:23:52 »
Did you died, or landed when the star turned to garbadge?
If you died then you were near to star position?

I think the hero died at that moment, and the star was placed far from him.
BASIC / Re: Általános BASIC Kérdések
« Last post by Ferro73 on 2024.April.03. 23:16:24 »
Ha beírom a program elejére, hogy
240   STRING *3 I$,
az nem tetszik neki.
Ha a DEF-en belülre írom be, hogy
4755   STRING *3 I$,
az sem tetszik neki.
Code: [Select]
240 STRING I$(0 to 8)*3vagy

Code: [Select]
4755 STRING I$(0 to 7)*3
"A karaktersorozat típusú változókat deklarálja, alapértelmezésben 132 karakter max. hosszúságot megadva."

Ez a megoldás a leglassabb amúgy. több mint 50%-kal.
CPC-ről / Re: Oh Chute!
« Last post by Zozosoft on 2024.April.03. 22:53:14 »
i thought that everything is good, but you check things what i would never think about ;)
Volt a suliban egy programozás tamárunk, aki két kézzal csapkodta a billentyűzetet, és ha a program bármilyen hibával elszállt, akkor egyes...
Mert "A felhasználók bármilyen hülyeséget el tudnak követni, tessék felkészülni rá!"
CPC-ről / Re: Oh Chute!
« Last post by geco on 2024.April.03. 22:47:12 »
Messages has empty horisontal lines (didn't notice when they appeared).
I think the source of the problem of the garbage problem, since the message text is XORed to the screen for display and disappear also, i just checked your demo snapshots, and thx, i think they will give a very good chance to find the main problem. I think you played less than me, and i even found and corrected some problems, but i have never met with the problems you found :) , except the player disappear at the bottom and appear on the top (which i did not thought as a problem )
CPC-ről / Re: Oh Chute!
« Last post by geco on 2024.April.03. 22:38:07 »
Did you died, or landed when the star turned to garbadge?
If you died then you were near to star position?
CPC-ről / Re: Oh Chute!
« Last post by geco on 2024.April.03. 22:33:12 »
Oh. You also can jump off while plane is not on the screen.
Coool, i have never tried it :D
I will check it also, you are the best tester, i thought that everything is good, but you check things what i would never think about ;)
Thank you very much :)
CPC-ről / Re: Oh Chute!
« Last post by SlashNet on 2024.April.03. 22:28:56 »
Oh. You also can jump off while plane is not on the screen.

Messages has empty horisontal lines (didn't notice when they appeared).
CPC-ről / Re: Oh Chute!
« Last post by geco on 2024.April.03. 22:25:54 »
Thank you very much, i will check the garbage how can occure, now i can not imagine how it happens :D
Player appears on the top after disappearing on the bottom i saw, i do not think is an issue :)
CPC-ről / Re: Oh Chute!
« Last post by SlashNet on 2024.April.03. 22:11:04 »
Nice game. :)

If jumper hits the helicopter at the very top of the screen, he will be thrown and his sprite will fly out at the bottom (but when falling, he will end up on top again).

Also, stars sometimes turn into garbage on the screen (in the attached demo this is at the very end).

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BASIC / Re: Általános BASIC Kérdések
« Last post by szipucsu on 2024.April.03. 21:34:51 »
Az ilyen függvényváltozó sztringeknek (vagy nem tudom, hogyan nevezik ezeket) a maximális hosszát nem lehet meghatározni?

Code: [Select]
4750 DEF I$(X)
 4760   LET I$=CHR$(27)&"I"&CHR$(X)
 4770 END DEF

Ha beírom a program elejére, hogy
240   STRING *3 I$,
az nem tetszik neki.
Ha a DEF-en belülre írom be, hogy
4755   STRING *3 I$,
az sem tetszik neki.
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