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Programming / Re: ConvPBX tool (Convert PaintBox images to PNG)
« Last post by SlashNet on 2024.August.27. 12:56:33 »
I do not know structure of PB files, normally 1st half of the data is the attribute, and 2nd half is the bitmap,

As I see it's an ordinary vsave/vload file + 12 byte header.
Programming / Re: ConvPBX tool (Convert PaintBox images to PNG)
« Last post by geco on 2024.August.27. 10:46:47 »
I do not know structure of PB files, normally 1st half of the data is the attribute, and 2nd half is the bitmap, i can check if you send a attr PB file. But if you do not want to convert huge amount of files to PNG, then EP128emu screenshot works fine :D :D
I do not think that 4/16/256 colour attribute mode was ever used, those are totally useless, the resolution is decreased, but the number of available colours does not change, and used memory is also the same like in 2col attribute mode.
Other topics / Re: Enterprise artworks
« Last post by Dr.OG on 2024.August.27. 08:45:33 »
I investigated out of curiosity the C128-version of the space shuttle image (COLUMBIA) extracted from the VDC DEMO .D71 image file mentioned earlier.
It's stored on the disk as a sequential file (SEQ), and should be a bitmap image compressed with a machine code tool which is present on the same disk.
Unfortunately no info about decompressing the same file, found only an example in dutch how to save and load the compressed picture.
Other topics / Re: Enterprise artworks
« Last post by Dr.OG on 2024.August.27. 06:16:25 »
Wow, nice work!

The same space shuttle appears in the C128 VDC DEMO: https://csdb.dk/release/?id=44110
Sorry for the photo quality, picture taken from the C128's RGBI output first converted to scart: https://web.archive.org/web/20220423163100/https://sites.google.com/site/h2obsession/CBM/C128/rgbi-to-scart
...and then feed into a Medusa.
Konvertálás / Re: SPemu
« Last post by SlashNet on 2024.August.26. 22:47:15 »
Metal Brain


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Programming / Re: ConvPBX tool (Convert PaintBox images to PNG)
« Last post by SlashNet on 2024.August.26. 18:32:59 »
Have a question about attribute mode.

I can't fully understand sequence of storing pixel and colour bytes in PB files.
Also PaintBox has strange video modes (2col/4col/256col attributes). Are they same or have differences?
Programming / ConvPBX tool (Convert PaintBox images to PNG)
« Last post by SlashNet on 2024.August.26. 18:29:24 »
Script for converting PaintBox files to png.
(I'm not very good programmer, so code some messy)

Requires Python 3 and PIL library.

Supports conversion of such video modes:

   2-col hires/lores
   4-col hires/lores
  16-col hires/lores
256-col hires/lores

SOUND: / Re: MIDI lejátszása IS-BASIC alatt
« Last post by Zozosoft on 2024.August.26. 18:20:14 »
A bővített EP64-nek gyorsabb a videomemóriája, mint a nem bővítettnek?
A videómemória nem, de a többi igen :-)
Azaz pont az a memória ahol a BASIC program fut.
SOUND: / Re: MIDI lejátszása IS-BASIC alatt
« Last post by szipucsu on 2024.August.26. 18:17:14 »
Az IF IN(176)=252 THEN ellenőrzés nem jó, mert ez csak a memóriát ellenőrzi, és a bővített EP64-re nem fog bukni.
A bővített EP64-nek gyorsabb a videomemóriája, mint a nem bővítettnek? Ha igen, akkor bizonyos játékoknál a sebesség belövéséhez jó lehet ez is.
Other topics / Re: Enterprise artworks
« Last post by SlashNet on 2024.August.26. 17:05:40 »
Here is archive with all original files.
I change extension to .PBX (to distinguish from other image formats).
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