Commodore-ról / Re: SQUIRM C16 Original
« Last post by geco on Today at 10:18 »Vót egy kis buga a programban, néha a gép sebességének kiszámításakor rossz érték jött ki, így a játék gyorsabb lett, és a zene magasabb, javítva, a csatolmány az első hozzászólásban cserélve.
There were a small bug in the program, occasionally the calculation of machine speed gave wrong value, therefore the game became faster, and the pitch of the sound became higher, it has been fixed, and the attachment has been changed in the 1st post.
There were a small bug in the program, occasionally the calculation of machine speed gave wrong value, therefore the game became faster, and the pitch of the sound became higher, it has been fixed, and the attachment has been changed in the 1st post.