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Hardware / Re: Enterprise sixty four just died
« Last post by Judge on Yesterday at 16:43 »
If you need some accessory, choose here.(click) :)
Hardware / Re: Enterprise sixty four just died
« Last post by jonwarby on Yesterday at 15:49 »
Thank you for the help.  Replacement bipolar cap and 337-040 transistor arrived today.  All working again :)  Now to put it back together without damaging the keyboard connector
Other topics / Re: Presentation + 128vs64
« Last post by Chris_68 on Yesterday at 12:54 »

Thank you very much for your help!
"Great" if I have to replace the caps, then I have a job for my desoldering iron:)
I will go through the topics if anyone offers RAM/ROM expansions, or preferably Gerbers so I can build my own.

Other topics / Re: Presentation + 128vs64
« Last post by Zozosoft on Yesterday at 08:02 »
EP64 more rare, and better looking with green joystick :-)
EP128 better to use, about 97% of programs run only 128K machines. Soo if you buy a EP64 need a RAM and ROM upgrade.
Another techincal problem: most of EP64 machines bulit with Philips capacitors, soo recap also recommended. (Japanese capacitors in later boards still working after ~40 years!)
Other topics / Presentation + 128vs64
« Last post by Chris_68 on Yesterday at 07:12 »

Hopefully I'm not posting in the wrong topic. I'm glad to have found this forum, a great source for information.

Short presentation, general interest in British retro computers from 80s, I have QL, Z88 and a couple of Acorns. Back in the days I wanted an Enterprise, but couldn't afford one but my interest has been there over the years.

I'm now looking for an Enterprise and will post in the Wanted section as well, is there any recommendations if it's better to get a 128 or 64?
The 64 is "less expensive" I guess, it there anything else apart the RAM that differs because I will do upgrades to it anyway.
Im asking because with the help from forum member I found one for sale in Hungary (128) and a 64 for sale here in Sweden.

Thankful for any input
Játékok / Re: Delta Charge
« Last post by Tuby128 on 2024.September.12. 20:29:26 »
Szipucsu, a kazettán Deltawing volt írva (nyilván mindenki tudja, hogy az egy másik játék). A betöltéskor meg csak annyit ír, hogy "delta".

Zöldalma, nem hiszem hogy "nehezítésnek" nevezhető az a tény, hogy ha véletlen a ládák környékén meghalok, akkor nem tudok továbbjutni, még akkor sem ha örökéletem van.
Játékok / Re: Delta Charge
« Last post by Zoldalma on 2024.September.12. 19:47:13 »
A végigjátszásra ránézve, szerintem ez nem hiba, hanem nehezítés - mindig el kell érni, hogy legyen powerup, bár nem mindig kikerülhetetlenek a ládák.
Other topics / Re: Allsorts of interesting finds
« Last post by SlashNet on 2024.September.11. 21:17:16 »
Electronics & Music Maker 1983.12


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Everyday Electronics 1985.08
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Another mention of Eureca Informatique as French distributor. (previous)

Everyday Electronics 1986.07

Article about computer interfaces.

Everyday Electronics 1987.05

In this issue include one interesting advert:
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Bunch of Enterprises selling out by £39.95 price.

Everyday Electronics 1987.06

And they all sold!
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Here additional advert with note at background "SORRY. SOLD OUT." With EP in full complection they sell bare motherboards with Dave/Nick chips.
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And later they sell even motherboards without this chips (Everyday Electronics 1987.09)

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