On the Spanish Retrowiki web page they have thought about implementing a BBS. But Retrowiki is a multi-computer web, not like this one, so they are at the same time thinking a way to easy connect every model. This is easy on Serial port provided computers, or by means of add-ons or hacks, but the hard side of the idea is to implement a form of VT100 emulator on computers never used to do BBS.
I have read here about the VT100/Prestel Rom planed for the EP320, never realised, but also about an "Enterprise BBS" run on Holland connecting the computers to Telephone Modem. ¿What applications where used?, ¿May be CP/M apps?
Now, in Retrowiki they plan to use a PC as the intermediate to the WWW, using cheap USB to RS232 adapters.
BBS was very popular for Amiga and Atari ST owners, but also for C64 and CPC ones.
I have found a page with the most used CPC application, AnsiTerm, with the binary, source and disks included.
It would be a must to be able of some sort of communication with our loved computers....