The wide range of hardware symbos works with is one of the totally cool things about it...
Yes, I just realized it in a post of me some posts earlier, too ...
But my mouse probably can be a blind spot even in this case ... because the raw hardware handling assembly code would be 5-10 assembly instructions for that only,
but the hardware itself is not so significant, probably SymbOS's task list have (and will have) much more significant entries in priority ...
But when you make a hardware compatible (to the original EP internal keyboard) PS/2 keyboard to the EP,
then you have to assembly (or wire) it to the inside of the EP, because the original EP keyboard interface is not broken out to a connector of the EP.
Hardware compatible PS/2 keyboard is important, because then you can play the games with the PS/2 keyboard, and HW compatibility is cool anyway ...
But when you did that (assembly inside the EP) then there is a very simple, much nicer (and easier) way to communicate with a mouse than the boxsoft mouse interface way ...
(Of course, HW compatibility with boxsoft's mouse is possible, still ...