Thanks for the offer!
I will write you as soon as the port is in a more advanced state.
Regarding RTCs, are there different ones existing for the EP? Of course the best solution would be to poll the RTC in SymbOS directly like it is done on the CPC and MSX. But the solution with receiving the start time from EXOS is probably ok, too. Sure you will loose some seconds after several floppy disc accesses, but that shouldn't be too bad.
I have a quick question again regarding memory configuration:
- I am now planning to put bank 0 to #f8,#f9,#fa,#ff
- on a standard EP128 bank 1 would be #fb,#fc,#fd,#fe and all additional banks can be anywhere
Now my question:
- what's about EP64 machines, which are expanded to 128K or more? Do they always have RAM at #f8-#fb or can it by anywhere as well, while #f8-#fb isn't available?
I am only asking because the 16K blocknumbers for bank 0 are hardcoded in the code for optimization. If I have to be flexible here as well, I will add a patch routine during the initialization.