I have the threads about SymbOS a little abandoned, sorry.
Tutus, today I have made some changes to your program. First I have modified the type of control for the line "Magazine...", instead of a control line only a label, the "A" symbol is used to select it. This avoids the text to be modified with the keyboard.
But then I have thought about a nice touch to the label, some action. I have added a button, and declared a matrix of short strings with the same text but on other languages....
The good side is that you can define all the matrix values on the same definition.
But... the Quigs text editor has a great limitation with very long lines, so I have needed to cut and paste the strings on single lines, with the added difficulty of it not allowing you to cut and paste with the mouse buttons.... only with the menu.
Then, I have learned that you can't assign values to variables on the definition area(for example a=0), so the best place I have found is inside the Form1.Open.Event function. It only happens once, Just at the start of the app.
Also, I have declared a counter that is increased every time the button is clicked. When it reaches 10 it is reset to 0. Then the new text is displayed.
The result is effective, with so few changes.