I insist on the creation of compatible MSX I/O slots for the Enterprise...
Similarly to the Graphics9000 for the video, Sunrise made the
MoonSound OPL4 and the
MP3 cartridges to enhance the MSX sound.
Moonsound uses ports C0h-C3h or C4h-C7h, not colliding with Enterprise projects.
According with the existing documentation of the
MP3 cartridge project, It uses Z80 ports from 21h t0 27h, not colliding with any Enterprise expansion. But a new clon, the
MP3+FM cartridge from TMTlogic, uses port 20h to set the FM frequency, so it collides with the Z180 project from Zozo, that uses it(
MSX and
Enterprise Z80 ports).
On the CPC adapter for MSX cartridges they opted to segregate completely the 256 MSX ports from the 16 bit CPC ones, and for that they fixed them on FFXXh.
My question is, would it be possible to use some of the high bits of the Enterprise Z80 ports to isolate the MSX ports from the Enterprise ones?
Edit: Port 20h is not for the Z180 project, but for a rare switch-able turbo EXDOS card. I think it will be obsolete very soon with the next release of the internal Turbo card from Pear.