Thanks so much Geco!I am currently enjoying my Enterprise 128 as a very cool jukebox with your new SymAmp version and many PT3 modules! I will make more tests tomorrow!
What I miss once and now yet, that HDD (winchester) treatment! Prodatron you plan it...?
On the other side, I can't un-check the Floppy disk option on Control Panel/Mass storage, so I can't create a new device for a SD partition. Is it only me?
Ep128, are you speaking about the IDE interface (which is emulated in EP128Emu)?
Here is a DSK with the actual build of SymbOS 3.0. It is using the Extended Desktop, so it won't fully boot on machines with 128K only (just delete the SYMBOS.INI if you have 128K only).
Little crazy: all app renamed from previous version Need to edit all shorcuts, and programs at file extensions.
Found bug in SymCommander: it is not see all files in directory (Attachment Link) (Attachment Link)