and this is the first result:
Yes, we will have SymbOS, cool-cool-coooooool!
Otherwise I just made a PS/2 keyboard interface to the EP (It's a work in progress thing, I will fine tune it, but I can type or play already with a PS/2 keyboard),
and I would like to make a PS/2 mouse interface, too.
Enterprise already uses mouses for some things, like PAINTBOX or EGI through a common software interface, called "mouse.xr".
(Actually, it is the file name of a program became the de facto EP mouse API and mouse software driver implementation for the boxsoft mouse interface hardware, which is a NEOS mouse hardware interface to the EP.)
So my PS/2 hardware mouse interface will be compatible (in the end) with the mouse.xr, and PAINTBOX and EGI will be usable with my PS/2 mouse interface.
But I would like my PS/2 mouse interface hardware to be compatible with SymbOS, too.
Could you, please give me some information how I can make my mouse hw compatible with SymbOS ? Through what software interface can I do that ?
What kind of software driver have I to write for beeing compatible with SymbOS ?
Probably SymbOS will not want to use the mouse.xr interface managing its mouse, will it ?
Or are these questions too early in this phase of the porting progress ?