- parts of the disc routines have been replaced with the original ones from the ROM, which Zozosoft published a few pages ago; now I don't have any read/write problems anymore; changes are within preparing sector read/write; I still use INI for reading a sector; if this is still making problems, please tell me; the current solution is a little bit slow, it seems, that it requires some sector interleave; I will have to optimize it...)
It is more better, no retry, retry, retry... anymore
One note: ask the 73. EXOS variable (STEP RATE), and pass to the SEEK routines.
And also not works on turbo
report error 26.
Probably some time out counter too short?
@Zozo: Your investigations helped a lot! There were stupid problems with some kernel routines.
Very interesting! Tell me more!
Don't know if it solves your problem with your memory expansion?
It is don't change anything
But I tested with third card, and it is working up to 7.12MHz! (Too slow chips for 10MHz)
Very-very strange...
What the loader do from finishing loading until own LPT displayed? The frozzen happen before the new LPT displayed. (Or immediately when the clock switching do while the SymbOS running.)
The working expansions are the modern SRAM types, the problematic are the old DRAM... I will try to test more types.
The SymbOS do any R register manipulation?