Pushing the limits with colors ...
In an 50Hz CRT monitor (especially with old, slow fluorescent materials) when we use 25FPS, but we render 2 different frames (with related information of course) then the monitor itself will mix the two frames of every 25 FPS screen ... it will be flashy, "vibrating" screen, but the colors will be approximately (a+b)/2.
So with this technique, on CRT monitors, users with limited color systems can have more colors.
But for this, SymbOS would have to draw 2 screens, every graphic resource could be converted for this mode, probably changing the application creating tools, pipelines and such ...
But with a special use of this technique the applications could be the same as they are now, and on EP the technique probably will have a more enermous effect than on other platforms.
The special use would be using every first screen drawing SymbOS without background picture, and drawing every second screen using the background picture AND a one color mask of the SymbOS's screen what is drawn on the first screen previously.
With this technique, SymbOS would be drawn almost the same way and with the same applications as now.
The background picture would be mixed with the background color of the SymbOS frame, and the SymbOS screen elements (windows) would be mixed with the one color mask on the background picture screen.
In this way the background picture frame can have a totally different palette than the SymbOS frame.
It would be cool, but on EP the benefits would be much larger,
because on the enterprise with an LPT changing the palette in every scanline,
you can display every 256 colors in one picture if you want that.
With this way we can convert pictures to the EP like these:
http://www.ep128.hu/Ep_Demo/Leiras/Enterprise_Slideshow_2.htmhttp://www.ep128.hu/Ep_Demo/Leiras/Enterprise_Slideshow_3.htmWe would have to save one color from the palette of every scanline, that would be the mask color, what is required only for reaching that the background picture will not be visible mixed into the windows of SymbOS.
In this way, similar pictures like these could be the background of the EP SymbOS, and SymbOS could be drawn with its own 4/16 colour.
And this "multi color background" technique could be combined with the vertical scrolling virtual desktop or the amiga like draggable multiscreen techique, at once ...
Of course, I did not verify the memory requirements of these ...
I hope I explained well these ... my english is barely enough for such things ...