Hi @Tuby128, sorry for the late answer!
It seems, that the quoted text from the manual is more confusing than helpful, ops!
These parts are more an explanation, how it is handled internally and so why these different memory areas are necessary.
So I recommend the "SymbOS ASM-developer pack" from NYYRIKKI:
http://www.symbos.de/download.htm#marke1http://www.symbos.de/download/20211230-V31/SymbOS-ASM-Developer-kit-1.0.zipIt has a good introduction "readme" text (it starts with "DON'T PANIC", which is probably a good idea
), and here you will also find example source codes for simple "Hello World" (window) applications.
I am a little surprised, because with Z80 assembler I'm not able to make position independent code.
Like Geco mentioned each SymbOS application has a relocation address table attached, which is used for preparing the code for the required location in memory. Relocation address tables are supported by the integrated WinApe assembler (which I am usually using) and by SjAsmPlus, too. NYYRIKKIs developer pack is based on SjAsmPlus.
Maybe as a first step you can have a look at the "HelloYou-Window.asm" example in this package, try to assemble it and do some little modifications to see, what is happening.
You can contact me for any help:
jmika at prodatron dot net
Facebook: Jörn Proda
Skype: Prodatron
There is a Discord channel as well:
https://discord.com/channels/891243537444794389/929500634380660737You can also write here, I will now have a look here more often again