Sorry Gflorez, I certainly didn't want to ruin your efforts or anything
Despite having owned (and loved!) an Enterprise, I haven't had very detailed knowledge about its internals or Z80 machine code / assembly; much less so about C64 (which I have never owned).
On the other hand, I had much better understanding of C/C++ as well as a
lot of time in 2020 - so this is the result.
Geco: yes, MM uses SCUMM V0. But V1 (which is for C64 Zak McKracken) does not appear to add very many new features: these two versions are often handled together by ScummVM.
However, the new features of V1 might be a bit harder to reimplement for the Enterprise (iirc there is a "change palette" SCUMM-opcode, which is only easy as long as one of the lower 8 Enterprise colours are to be changed).
About the hanging: What are the symptoms?
My "development environment" was an ep128emu configured with 128K RAM, EXOS2.1 on segment 00h, ASMON1.5 on 04h, BASIC2.1 on 06h, EPFILEIO on 0x10 and EXDOS1.3 on 0x20
(A config similar to the final state of my real Enterprise.)
It also works for me (for now) with only 64k RAM, and/or with only EXOS2.1, BASIC2.1 and EXDOS1.0.
Did you issue the ":DEF_DEV_DISK" command before running? The problem may be that it tries to load the data files from "FILE:", and can't find them.