How can Load/Save programs?
The description of the "NAME" not fully clear for me
Can you write some examples? (for Tape and Disk)
I was reading the IS-FORTH manual on this and it is very confused!
For historical reasons FORTH does not handle "files" as we know them very well! When it was created on the simple systems of the 1970s, you entered your code in 1k blocks (or screens) of 16 lines x 64 characters (= 1k). So you could go "100 EDIT" or "203 EDIT" etc and the entire block would be displayed on the screen. After editing, you would then go "100 LOAD" and your code would be read in as though you had typed it at the command line. If your code spanned more than one block you put "-->" at the bottom and it would load the next screen, etc. Or you could have a master index block which loaded lots of others. There would be a number of 1k buffers in memory just to prevent excessive (slow) disk access. In typical FORTH style this was very simple and efficient as the 1k FORTH blocks could correspond directly to a group of sectors on the disk!
When it came to using the EXOS editor it was a bit tricky to display the entire block in this way, so you can type any number of lines of any length but each block must still be less than 1k (I think the editor status line displays the number of characters left when you get close).
So when I came to do something with cassette tapes it was a bit tricky! So I decided to have enough buffers to keep all the user's source code in memory at once in the "disk" buffers. Then you type
" filename" NAME to name your program (the space after the first " is important but not included in the name), and
SAVE-BUFFERS to save all the buffers as a file, and
LOAD-BUFFERS to load them again. (I'm not sure off the top of my head if loading them on a freshly-booted system sets the NAME...will have to try it).
Once you have loaded a new set you will still have to LOAD them with 203 LOAD or whatever.
This is what I was using the other day with EPFILEIO and it seemed to work ok. If you don't do the " filename" NAME it prompts you with a Windows window.
IS-FORTH is supposed to handle disks too, making up filenames out of the block numbers (and possibly the NAME, & can't remember!) I had a very quick go the other day and nothing seemed to happen, but there was some confusion about where EPFILEIO was putting files (as it turned out, a
hidden directory called C:\Users\Bruce\Appdata\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\ep128emu\files) so I need to give that another go!
In summary I'd suggest you use EPFILEIO at the moment and I'll try and work out how to make it use disks properly later.