I am actually beta-testing it and... YES.... EXDOS3.0 works great on the emulator, both with the emulated SD-Cartridge and with the emulated IDE expansion. It also works perfectly on the real EP+SF3 when used with the new driver that integrates the SF3 USB as a logical drive. And other device that uses EXDOS30 perfectly is the Enterprise FPGA core, thanks to the mastery of Kyp implementing correctly the SD-Cartridge and using the same Roms that genius Zozo provided me for use on the emulator.
On the other side, the firmware of our SD-Readers needs to be updated, because the SDEXT0X.Rom in them needs to be updated to be compatible with EXDOS3.0, and also because the firmware is fatter and needs more space. A SD-Cartridge has an, until now, unused memory pagination that adds another 64KB(8KBx8) to the cartridge. Think about it... a pagination inside the normal Nick's pagination...
Complicate task... more if we think that Zozo will add languages and keyboard pre-sets on the SD-Cartridge.
Now you can have a very big FAT16 partition with all your things on directories without delving with tinny 32MB partitions, and at the same time it makes easier to transfer your files.
The boring side is that it works as good as always... You will not notice any mayor change on your EP behaviour....