No “bytes free” delay on floppy disks and small/medium volumes
several unexpected bonuses...
I didn't realise that you had access to the original EXDOS 1.3 sources...
lgb hacked his emulator so we could run the Z80 assembler and linker on a modern PC
Does that mean the original was actually compiled on an Enterprise?
No, but on a Z80 card also running at 4MHz in an original IBM PC, and all from floppy disks.
Was that how EXOS and IS-BASIC were written as well?
Sometimes ... I hate my eyes. I downloaded and read the specification out of curiosity. It was an interesting read. Unfortunately, I found a number of typos, inconsistent memory size annotation and inconsistent indentation and font size of asterisk marked notes. Have I already said that sometimes I hate my eyes?
Zozosoft managed to arrange the source files and re-assemble them into a byte-for-byte match to the binary 1.3
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