Normally there should be 8000 bytes attribute and 8000 bytes bitmap data after the header for a 320x200 image, the sequence can be the opposite.
In attribute files I see at 1st half 1-bit pixel data and 2nd half colour data. Thanks.
By the way, I made some modifications.
I studied other "formats" of uncompressed image files. And I realized that each program, although it uses the same format for storing graphic data, but the header, for some reason, each "invented" its own.
Having compared the possible options a little, I made an auto-detection (which seems not to even make mistakes
But for VSave/VLoad files I don't know yet how to enter custom palettes (files don't store such information).
usage: ConvEPIC 0.3 [-h] [--zoom n] [--out filename.png] [--info] [--bias 0-31] [--format fmt] [--version] filename
Converting some Enterprise 128k image formats to png files
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--zoom n, -z n scale output image (default: 2)
0: don't stretch image horizontally
--out filename.png, -o filename.png
output PNG image
--info, -i print header information
--bias 0-31, -b 0-31 custom bias palette number
--format fmt, -f fmt input image format: (fmt=)
pbx: PaintBox image
fp: FinePen image
lor: Lorigraph image
spr: SprED sprite
zax: zAxial image
vsave: VSave/VLoad image
--version show program's version number and exit
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