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Author Topic: Possible SymbOS 3.1 bugs. Can others reproduce? (Read 3719 times)

Offline John Fante

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Possible SymbOS 3.1 bugs. Can others reproduce?
« on: 2022.January.14. 13:37:42 »
I have a EP128 with 1MB, EnterMice and a SF3 and a SD-card reader.

I am running a fresh install of SymbOS 3.1 and have encountered two issues that I am not sure are 3.1 bugs or my setup.

First of all the new SymbOS3.1 does not boot when I do not have the SF3 connected. It just hangs during boot just before the desktop normally opens. With the SF3 it boots fine. SymbOS is installed on the first F: partition on the SD card.

Secondly I can not get my EnterMice to work with 3.1. My PS/2 mouse should work with the Box-Soft driver (first DP OFF, second ON) but it does not. It worked fine on 3.0.

Can anyone else reproduce these errors?

Offline gflorez

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Re: Possible SymbOS 3.1 bugs. Can others reproduce?
« Reply #1 on: 2022.January.14. 16:19:48 »
Hello John.

I have tried your configuration, but SymbOS3.1 starts correctly for me with only the SD-cartridge connected, and the EnterMice works also.

Maybe your SymbOS boot driver is now the USB SF3?

The EnterMice connector could be misaligned or with dirt, like all EDGE connected devices. Try to unplug and plug it again.

Also, after some seconds of booting, if no EnterMice is found, it is disabled, the normal behaviour.

Thanks for testing. Now is the time to find errors, not the next year.....

What doesn't work for me is the EP with only the SF3 connected, the pen-drive is not set as massive storage so, once booted, SymbOS is not usable. I am waiting for Prodatron to fix it.

Offline John Fante

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Re: Possible SymbOS 3.1 bugs. Can others reproduce?
« Reply #2 on: 2022.January.14. 18:24:58 »
Strange :?:

Well, I have just tested my EnterMice with the game Bricky Prise. Works fine so the connections are fine (cleaned them yesterday just in case). With Bricky Prise I used it in EnterMice mode. DS 1 and 2 set to ON. What are your DS's set to.

I have not really tested mass-storage on the SF3 on SymbOS. Will give that a go next.

Let the testing begin! :)