Thank you! I wasn't certain whether that was the exact font, so thanks for confirming.
I actually have access to the Bitstream foundry via my work, and checked the font today. Interestingly enough the 0 (zero) used on the Enterprise keyboard is different (uses the programmer's slashed zero). The original Bitstream font does not include it, so it must have been a custom glyph (I assume).
Using FontForge & PhotoLine I fixed that:
Now for obvious legal reasons this is only a quick fix done at home.
But since the Geometric Slab Serif typeface itself is not copyrighted, I plan on printing each of the font's glyphs on A4s (which is copyrighted), then scan in the letters, and draw the font myself.
I intend to call it EE Geometric Slab Medium (EE=Elan Enterprise). I can then share the font here.
It may take a few weeks to finish this.