Hmm, any documents about this "Basic listing" please? I'd like to try with some characters and see.
On page 105 of the
Basic manual you can read how. On the easy example made with binary numbers you can see that the 0s will be seen as paper, and the 1s as ink on every of the 9 lines of every character. Avoid using the outer bits on every line, 0 and 7, because on the TEXT80 mode they are used to represent colours and will not be seen.
You can use only one line to define a character, without DATA and READ statements:
Try on immediate mode: SET CHARACTER 142,126,66,66,66,66,66,66,66,126 Then press ENTER.
(There are other 2 methods to define characters. With a Scape sequence written to the text channel, usually #102: ESC, K, n, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9. And the other, writing directly to the memory positions B480h...B8FFh on segment FFh.)
Remember that the definitions will remain only until the next hard reset or the CLEAR FONT direct command being executed.
The "definable" characters are 128, from 32 to 159. If you try to define over 159 then you will be defining again on the lower numbers and if under 32 you will be defining a higher number. For example 160=>32, and 0=>128. The cursor you see on the Basic editor is defined on character 142.
Try your redefined characters executing something like this on immediate mode:
PRINT CHR$(XXX) and then the ENTER key.
Or print all the set with:
10 FOR A=32 TO 159