Great news!
Wow! Then it is will be one of the first machines what are sold!
Can he make a photos of machine when he digged out? (Including S/N ) And if he open it for some repair then inside photos also will be interesting.
And nice story!
Two problems possible.
1) as he say the capacitors, especially at the early machines built with Philips capacitors. C9 are the most critical, if it is lost their capacity then kill TR2 transistor and will no +12V for the video circuits (screen will broken and running).
2) keyboard membrane tail can crack at the mother board connector then some keyboard rows or columns will not work. Need to cut few mm at the connection end. Will work until the next crack Possible buy brand new membrane.
Yes, both are interesting! Also the ET letters. And the ELAN thing
Which sites sent to he?
There is the email address for order.
I'm also!
(kapacitáltam, hogy regisztráljon. mindent, amit tud, el fog küldeni - vagy ide, és akkor látjátok, vagy nekem, de akkor azonnal felrakom ide)
I relayed the information to him and asked to register here. If he send anything, i will repost to here
Anyway i just ocr-ed Jarles mail from ET Computers AS:
Dette brevet er fra ET Computers AS - et nyetablert firma som skal markedsføre 4. generasjons computeren ENTERPRISE 64 i Norge.
ET Computers AS vil ogsæ levere pereferiutstyr og programvare til ENTERPRISE.
Til tross for den store internasjonale etterspørselen er ET Computers AS lovet en forsendelse pa 300 ENTERPRISE 64 i ær.
De første maskinene vil bli levert direkte til dem som allerede har bestilt computeren.
La oss for orden skyld oppsummere hva ENTERPRISE består av.
- 64 KRAM (utbyggbar til 3,9Mb)
- 48 KROM (utbyggbar til 112 KROM)
- Z80A, 4MHZ prosessor med utvidet memory mapping til 4 Mb.
- 1x RS232/423 serie port
- 1x Centronics parallell port
- Ekspansjonsport med 64 linjer for tilkobling av ekstra ROM/RAM pakker, dobbel floppystasjon, modem/PRESTEL adapter, utbygging med ekstra prosessor etc.
- Høyoppløselig fargegrafikk (672x512 punkter), 256 taraer.
- Stereo lyd, 4 kanaler
- fullt utbygd tastatur (QWERTY standard) med 69 taster inkl. 8
programmerbare funksjonstaster med 2 nivåer.
- Norsk tegnsett som standard.
- Innebygget styrespake som bl.a. styrer skrivemarkøren.
- Avansert innebygget operativsystem.(strukturert med inndeling i kanaler)
- Fullt strukturert BASIC med bl.a. DO-LOOPS med WHILE og UNTIL, samt IF og ELSE blokker. Meget høy aritmetisk nøyaktighet.(10 siffer)
Mulighet for definering av egne BASIC kommandoer.
- Tekstbehandlingsprogram/skjermeditor ligger ferdig i maskinen.
- Nettverk for opp til 32 computere som standard.
- Norsk brukermanual pg over 200 sider.
- Imitruksjonskassett med bl.a. flere ekstra BASIC kommandoer.
Prisen på ENTERPRISE 64 som beskrevet ovenfor er Kr. 4.780,- inkl.mva, FOB vårt lager pg Kolbotn.
ET Computers AS har nå startet den norske avdelingen av ENTERPRISE klubben.
Medlemskap i denne klubben får du ved 4 returnere det vedlagte påmeldings-skjema.
Medlemskap i klubben er satt tit Kr.150,- pr. år, men ved innmelding nå får du tilsendt det første nummeret av klubbladet gratis.
Vennligst send påmeldingen til:
ET Computers, AS
Tømteweien 4
Vennig hilsen
Roger Skoglund
Google Translated:
This letter is from ET Computers AS - a newly established company that will market the 4th generation computer ENTERPRISE 64 in Norway.
ET Computers AS will also provide reference equipment and software for ENTERPRISE.
Despite the great international demand, ET Computers AS is promised a shipment of 300 ENTERPRISE 64 in honor.
The first machines will be delivered directly to those who have already ordered the computer.
For the sake of order, let us summarize what ENTERPRISE consists of.
- 64 KRAM (expandable to 3.9Mb)
- 48 KROM (expandable to 112 KROM)
- Z80A, 4MHZ processor with extended memory mapping to 4 Mb.
- 1x RS232 / 423 series port
- 1x Centronics parallel port
- Expansion port with 64 lines for connecting extra ROM / RAM packs, double flop station, modem / PRESTEL adapter, expansion with extra processor etc.
- High resolution color graphics (672x512 dots), 256 tare.
- Stereo sound, 4 channels
- fully developed keyboard (QWERTY standard) with 69 keys including 8
programmable function keys with 2 levels.
- Norwegian character set by default.
- Built-in joystick that includes: controls the writing cursor.
- Advanced built-in operating system (structured with channel division)
- Fully structured BASIC with eg. DO-LOOPS with WHILE and UNTIL, as well as IF and ELSE blocks. Very high arithmetic accuracy (10 digits)
Possibility of defining own BASIC commands.
- The word processor / screen editor is finished in the machine.
- Network for up to 32 computers by default.
- Norwegian user manual on over 200 pages.
- Imitation cassette with eg. several additional BASIC commands.
The price of ENTERPRISE 64 as described above is Kr. 4,780, - incl. VAT, FOB our stock at Kolbotn.
ET Computers AS has now started the Norwegian department of the ENTERPRISE club.
Membership in this club you get at 4 return the enclosed registration form.
Membership of the club is set to kr.150, - pr. year, but upon registration you will be sent the first number of the club leaf for free.
Please send the registration to:
ET Computers, AS
Empty road 4
Roger Skoglund
sales Manager
Just looked the address of ET Computers:,10.8053276,3a,86.1y,68.88h,78.37t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sNoYTcyq8Xsxl_67onRG1pw!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656