"Desing Engineer --- the applicant will have several years experience of digital design techniques"
Design Engineer at Intelligent Software salary of 20,000 GPB/Year (1984)
According to a website, the inflation from 1984 until today (2023) is 296.38%.
That means salary 20000 GBP * (100%+296,38%) = 79279 GBP (in 2023)
Now the 1 GBP = 1,17 EUR
So the salary 79279 GBP * 1,17 = 92752 EUR.
The mothly salary is 7729 EUR (without thinking of Bonus). This is probably with TAXES. So probably the half is gone 3864 EUR netto salary in (2023).
Probably the living costs that time were also not that cheap.
I do not know, what exactly the job was, but seems to me, that they were looking for a Hardware Expert. Probably the salary is dependent of the experience.
Maybe they were needed fresh "blood" in the team, or more people to accelerate the developement process.
I can imagine that time not all the people has the passion to make some new tech stuff, with overtime in the Job, with exeption how Bruce Tanner done his job on the software side. Some employee think, if it is 16:30 i go home to my family, even if the job not done.
Only smaller startup teams doing job in that passionate way, where they practically living inside the company.
The company of course welcome these types, but it is hard to find.