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Author Topic: Alan Cox introduced a Unix-like OS Fuzix, the core of which consumes about 40 KB (Read 3731 times)

Offline SlashNet

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In its current form the core of the new operating system consumes only 40 KB of RAM and supports work on processors based on the architecture Zilog Z80. The system can be run on a wide variety of systems based on clones and embodiments Z80, including motherboards T80 FPGA. The system was originally designed for portability, for example, in the code already provided basic support for 8-bit processors Motorola 6809 and MOS 6502, which theoretically allows you to run the OS and for these systems.


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Alan Cox though otherwise being a quite known Linux kernel developer, always showed interest about projects like this, for example about project ELKS (Embeddable Linux Kernel System), which is a Linux-like system for even 8088 CPU, though not a port (it would be not possible) but a new OS written for "smaller" hardware.

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And do you know what can it be ?

What features does it implement ? And how and when can it be a solution or a choice to EP ?
Z80 System

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And do you know what can it be ?

What features does it implement ? And how and when can it be a solution or a choice to EP ?

I am not sure it is worth for an EP user too much ;) It's more or less a classic UNIX system, and it's more for people being UNIX fans. I like the idea, but honestly this project may be not the choice if you want to imagine the ideal OS for EP :) I am interested, because I like UNIX and UNIX like systems and I also work with them in my work (and I don't - and haven't ever - use Windows for exmaple) so I find this interesting anyway.

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By the way, Alan's announcement has some kind of funny "taste", the way he started his G+ post. I haven't checked but it's quite like the way Linus Torvalds announced first version of his kernel (which he named as Linux). The only major difference that you should replace "Linux" with "Minix" and of course "systemd" etc with some more older stuff about the Minix OS :)

Offline SlashNet

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Speccy fan made implementation for ZX Spectrum 128k

Sources here: http://github.com/EtchedPixels/FUZIX/