This display means: Nick chip running in uninitialised video memory, soo the ROM not started.
Reset not stuck, because if Dave chip dead then Reset stuck low -> Nick not running -> just black screen)
Most possible failures:
- dead Z80 (especcialy if it is Zilog type, I found many dead, all are Zilog, Made in Philippines, with a near data codes)
- partially dead Dave, which is not genarete ROM signal, can be substituted with few 74xxx ICS.
- onboard RAM, less chance because the ROM can make black screen at start even when onboard RAM faulty, just hang up later
Do you have a EPROM programmer? I wrote a short test ROM, which is try to test memory bytes, and make a beepig sounds of readed bits. Replace the original ROM to this, and if you got a beeping machine then know CPU and ROM access are working.