SERIAL for two Enterprise:
A1 - A1 Reference
B1 - B1 GND
A3 - A4 Status out-Status in
A4 - A3 Status in-Status out
B3 - B4 Data out-Data in
B4 - B3 Data in-Data out
NET for up to 32 Enterprise machines:
B1 on all machines to GND line
A3 and A4 on all machines to STATUS line
B3 and B4 on all machines to DATA line
A1 reference - GND pin 7 (DB25) / 5 (DB9) Note: this connection shift the Enterprise logical levels to -5V (0) and +7V (1)
A3 Status out - CTS pin 5 (DB25) / 8 (DB9) 1.5K pullup resistor needed to +12V
A4 Status in - DCD, DSR, DTR pins 6, 8, 20 (DB25) / 6, 1, 4 (DB9)
B3 Data out - RxD pin 3 (DB25) / 2 (DB9) 1.5K pullup resistor needed to +12V
B4 Data in - TxD pin 2 (DB25) / 3 (DB9)
The pullup resistors can be connected to DTR pin 20 (DB25) / 4 (DB9) on the PC.