I just want to leave some feedback. I've recently purchased one of the eBay units and it has been -mostly- sucessfully tested, great piece of hardware. Now I'll explain the -mostly-...
The expansion has been assembled in a EP64, easy to work as I don't need to desolder the EP128 64KB RAM board. It has been tested fine: EXOS 2.4 tests and even a IS-BASIC program (only the first three or four segments, I was pokeing all the addresses 0-16383!); but...it's extremely unreliable when I plug my EXDOS controller.
Sometimes I can create a RAMDISK; but it shows corrupt info after a couple of DIR commands. I've been able to format a disk; but it corrupts the same way as the RAMDISK after a DIR.
- As the original PSU is a bit weak, I've replaced the original CPU by a powerful one with no changes.
- I've tested the EXDOS controller without flaws in the EP128.
- The controller has been upgraded to EXOS 1.3 thus, the 27128 original EPROM has been replaced by a 27256.
I'm starting to think that I'll need to swap the expansions and migrate the 512KB one to the EP128...
Anyone has a clue about what's happening?