Dear All. I have a problem. My Enterprise machine does not power up anymore
I have only one machine .. and for me this is a bad thing as i cannot test SymbOS applications anymore on the real hardware. I have no idea what is going on.
Maybe someone can help me. I have no idea why. The machine was just on my desk all the time without any troubles.
The problem:
If i put the power plug inside the enterprise nothing happens. The RED LED is burning but i have no output picture on my monitor.
Normally you can hear the keyboard sound after a while if you press a key but this is not happening. I only have a black screen on the monitor and that's it. if i power on the system i hear a small 'click' from the speaker. (but that is normal i think)
Maybe.. but I'm not sure anymore i have inserted the monitor cable the wrong way (up side down) But I'm not sure if this can harm the machine. Anyway i think it as it could be that i did it but because i can't remember it anymore I notice it here, as maybe i did it
Other thing is that i did a (volt) measurement on the adapter, which gives me a -12,2 output. On the adapter it is saying that it is 9.5 V so for me this is a bit strange. But I'm not sure what + and - is. (so it could be just +12,2) I have the feeling that the power plug inside part is the - and the outside mantel is the + ?. (But you cannot see it on the adapter)
Other thing is (I'm not an electronic expert) i have this BEEP sound on my multimeter to see if there is a connection between 2 points. If i power off the power adapter and i put the + and - on the + and - of the the powerplug it beeps ? (that is not good not?) So maybe i can replace the adapter with an other one but i need to be sure before doing that what is + and what is -
Do you have any suggestions?