Then I'm afraid you have the older 08-04 version of Nick chip
Try to run this little BASIC program:
20 SET INK RND(16)
30 PLOT RND(1280),RND(720)
40 GOTO 20
It is draw a random color pixels, with the buggy version Nick you see some pixels are flashing as the stars on the sky. After the machine (and Nick) heating up then more flashing pixels.
Also good test view interlaced IVIEW picture (from my Interlace Demo 3 package), see
this video. At the start you see many green and purple flashing pixels, then I placed a cold heatsink to the Nick then the most of the buggy pixels are eliminated.
Another good example the Eat-it-up game,
see the video. Many yellow buggy pixels, which are removed when the Nick cooled.
These are extreme examples with very bad Nick with removed heatsink. In normal situation you can see something wrong pixels but not as bad in these examples.
Also reported other interesting effects with these Nick chips, for example at the Tape Level signal at the status line, when it is green red vertical line can be remain.
The 08-47 revisions Nick chips are don't do these, also running fine without the heatsink. (I verified the temperature of both revisions and are same!)
Originaly no heatsink developed, when the first machines builded then
ordered heatsink to Nick.If your Nick are 08-04 then you check the Nick heatsink! After the 30 years it is fall in many machines. If this happened when it is glued back then buggy effect are reduced.
If you order memory expansion from Saint then you can put better, bigger heatsink to the Nick
I not tested this specified demo previously but I will run on know 08-04 machines.