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Author Topic: WOW (Read 42523 times)

Offline gflorez

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« Reply #45 on: 2022.March.15. 14:30:15 »
The program waits for Ready, Vortex sends back busy/ready signal through bit 7 of port 12.

You are right(of course...)

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The Vortex has a return signal, but named Acknowledge/Request.

Offline geco

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« Reply #46 on: 2022.March.15. 19:13:21 »
Csináltam egy kis szerkesztőt/lejátszót, a terv az, hogy majd a Speakeasy hangokkal látom el, és ezzel fogom majd a WOW szövegeket legyártani, ha valakit érdekel, akkor majd a végleges verziómat közzéteszem.
I have creatd a small editor/player, my plan is that i will change Speakeasy voices in the program, and i will use this to create WOW sentences for Speakeasy, if somebody is interested about it, i will publish the final version.

Offline gflorez

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« Reply #47 on: 2022.March.15. 20:12:30 »
I am interested.

But how can you edit without playing the phrases on a real Speakeasy? (Curiosity) I was not able to hear anything on the emulator with the Lua script, but maybe I did something wrong?.

There is an old program to aid on this.

On the other side... we need an English man to evaluate the final pronunciation...

Offline geco

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« Reply #48 on: 2022.March.15. 20:25:59 »
But how can you edit without playing the phrases on a real Speakeasy? (Curiosity) I was not able to hear anything on the emulator with the Lua script, but maybe I did something wrong?.
The Editor/Player can play the voices, now it contains Votrax voices, i want to add Speakeasy voices, just from the previous Wav i could not get all voices, i hope new wav will be better, which will be generated by the latest program.
If you press enter in the snapshot, it will play "Hey, insert coin".
You can enter any listed allophones, and if any of them are incorrectly entered, after pressing Enter incorrect allophones are marked by orange

The lua script does not produce voice, just print the corresponding values into the debugger page2.
« Last Edit: 2022.March.15. 20:52:18 by geco »

Offline geco

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« Reply #49 on: 2022.March.15. 21:08:39 »
@Gflorez could you please create a new wav by this version when you have time?

I checked max 22KHz samples can be played back with the Editor/Player, i plan to convert the samples to 16KHz.

Offline gflorez

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« Reply #50 on: 2022.March.15. 21:50:48 »
Here you have.

Maybe you could better cut the sounds if you add a fixed pause between the allophones, because the duration is not the same on all.  

Have you tested the little program I have linked? it translates from text to Allophones, and you can directly save the sound from it with Audacity.

I am thinking.... It would be great to have sampled versions of the Speakeasy programs(UK, German, Spanish)  or the EatItUp game....
« Last Edit: 2022.March.15. 21:56:53 by gflorez »

Offline geco

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« Reply #51 on: 2022.March.15. 22:16:05 »
Thank you very much. :)

In 1st version i used 50ms delay after each voice, but it did not appear in the wav in each case, that's why i used 3 50Hz interrupts in this version, i hope it will be better, i will check soon.

Yes, i checked, it sounds better than the Vortex, and Speakeasy, and as i see it uses total different allophone table also :D :D

The method i used in WOW can be used nearly in all programs, but there is one problem, samples uses about 52KB.

Offline geco

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« Reply #52 on: 2022.March.15. 22:57:30 »
Thank you very much, now i could collect all remaining voices, luckily you saved twice, last one did not contain OW, just some noise was instead of OW.

Offline gflorez

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« Reply #53 on: 2022.March.16. 00:38:24 »
Great! It is a lot easier to have extra Ram than a Speakeasy....

All users will be able to run it on the emulator.

Offline gflorez

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« Reply #54 on: 2022.March.20. 02:28:27 »
My "new" EP still doesn't work correctly with the Speakeasy. It sounds but gives unintelligible speak.... I have revised the connector and the EDGE contacts and they seem good. On Monday I will replace the 74LS273 chip involved, because I think that some bits on the port are stuck on 0 or 1.

I left my "old" EP at work, so I can't compare the real thing with Geco's voice editor also until Monday.

Meanwhile I have found a better way to compare the real sound with the one given by Geco's editor, because the little program gives strange voices, very unrealistic samples from  the original SP0256-AL2 sounds.

This time it is a web page that returns the translation of the input phrase to the output allophones string, and also an OGG file(similar to MP3 but without loss of information)  with the output sound.

For me the comparison of the two sounds, Geco's voice editor against the web page results, is very promising, they are very similar, but 1/2 slower on the EP. This is not an error, only that the SP0256-AL2 can be used with different oscillators. I think I understand much better the slower EP rhythm.

The good point is that the web page returns the string of allophones by their  name, not by their place in the list, exactly like on Geco's voice editor, so it can give a direct introduction of the data.  The only difference is how Geco names the pauses, 20, 30, 50, 100 and 200, while the web page returns PA1, PA2, PA3, PA4 and PA5, like on the given SP0256-AL2 allophones list. Not a big problem after some use.

Offline geco

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« Reply #55 on: 2022.March.20. 11:13:40 »
Cool, thank you very much, i will try to save the voices from the web page also, and make the EP version based on that, it sounds quite noisy also, but we will see which voice source is better.

I do not know if you saw, i entered newer versions into Beszédprogram fejlesztése topic, those sounds better, because samples are 7bit 12500Hz, both of them contains a bug, last voice is not played, i already corrected it, just did not upload yet, i will do it when SOFTEASY got the new samples.

I already finished WOW allophone modification for speakeasy, i used google translate for it.

Offline gflorez

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« Reply #56 on: 2022.March.20. 18:24:03 »
Google translator of allophones? What do you mean with that?

Offline geco

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« Reply #57 on: 2022.March.20. 19:37:27 »
Google translator of allophones? What do you mean with that?
I used google translate to pronounce the words, and usually it wrote the allophones also under the word (just in different format, but it helped me also)
I created WOW Speakeasy also with the allophone generator, but when i wanted to save the voice set of allophone generate web page i recognized that it is not perfect either, because it generetad KK1 always even for COMB word where KK3 had to be generated, so i could not save the voices, but i found another source, so now we have 3 versions of Softeasy :D , i will upload them soon.

Offline geco

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« Reply #58 on: 2022.March.20. 21:22:24 »
Newest version of WOW, it contains 2 allophone conversion for Speakeasy, one is converted by the web page, other converted by me :D :D

Offline gflorez

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« Reply #59 on: 2022.March.21. 12:18:56 »
Almost done.

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Fixed!   Now it talks.
« Last Edit: 2022.March.21. 14:05:05 by gflorez »