I tested on a real EP with EXDOS card!.
Not an emulator? The changes on the fly don't lag the operation, marvellous.... at the end they result real EP games, aren't them?
, thx, I use only emulator since we have EP128emu2, very comfortable, and powerful.
Basically this program is a software emulator, but on a software emulator 99% of spectrum games are not running, therefore i started this solution. The changes are made on the fly, but only once when a program is loaded, then the emulator searches through the code and changes most of the in a,(0feh), in x,(c), out (0feh),a , out (c),x and ld i,a commands, and if it went through the code then starts the program, or give back the control to the spectrum ROM. The attribute conversion is done in 50Hz interrupt, if the interrupt is disabled then we have to set alternative solution in the menu with int joy, what you did earlier with Jet Set Willy and Manic Miner.