I do not know if it is the right place to continue talking about the USB to serial adapter for enterprise. Any way I would like to compile more information and if it is possible to do something, it is very much appreciated.
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Glorez brought this serial port to USB interface.
Last Friday and Sunday, we were in my workshop doing communications tests, with discrete results.
So we have not been able to find any communications program for Enteprise, except what has been done by the Danes. We have done tests from Basic, with results that we believe that with some adjustments we could do something.
Something like:
100 PROGRAM "term.BAS"
110 SET 191,4
120 LET A$="":LET LOCAL=-1
130 TEXT 80
140 OPEN #1:"SERIAL:"
150 IF LOCAL=-1 THEN PRINT #102:CHR$(27);"O";
170 GET #1:A$
180 ELSE
200 END IF
210 IF A$<>"" THEN
220 LET A=ORD(A$)
230 IF A<>13 THEN
240 PRINT CHR$(A);:PRINT #1:CHR$(A);
250 ELSE
270 IF LOCAL=0 THEN PRINT #102:CHR$(27);CHR$(111+(LOCAL*32));
280 PRINT #1:CHR$(13);CHR$(10);:PRINT :LET A$=""
290 IF LOCAL=-1 THEN PRINT #102:CHR$(27);CHR$(111+(LOCAL*32));
300 END IF
310 END IF
320 GOTO 160
We have also been doing tests under IS-DOS and with the most common communications software for CP / M, but we are in the same point. It does not work.
Then, with IS-DOS there's the command MODE
MODE {[80] | [40]} | [Logical-device:=EXDOS-device]
Devices: [LST: , AUX:, RDR:, PUN:, NULL]
Well, all help and advice are welcome, the interface is working and with tcpser and minicom from Linux we can exchange characters between the PC and the Enterprise, there's a lot of test to do.